After 1 March 2003, updates to plant guides for the Santa Rosa Plateau, and its flora, are given in that site's update log; some are also given here.
After 17 December 2008, some plant updates for the Borrego Desert are given in that site's update log; some are also given here.
After 30 August 2014, some plant updates for San Jacinto Mountain are given in that site's update log; some are also given here.
21 November 2024 added start of a page on diplacus calycinus and d. longiflorus
26 September 2024 updated pinus jeffreyi / ponderosa page with two more measurements on seeds.
16 June 2024 updated collinsia page fig. 7 with the complete set of my determinations of the iNat observations east of the line.
12 June 2024 updated collinsia page with more obs on the map showing the distribution of iNat obs with my determinations. i also added the five places where the two species come into contact.
8 June 2024 updated collinsia page with map showing the distribution of iNat obs with my determinations.
7 June 2024 updated collinsia page with text and photo gallery of the variations in the flowers of each species.
29 May 2024 added page showing how to discriminate Collinsia concolor and C. heterophylla.
27 April 2024 added page on Agoseris grandiflora and A. retrorsa, showing the differences.
8 February 2024 added page showing how to distinguish four sporobolus species.
4 January 2024 added new page on how to discriminate cylindropuntia bernardina and c. ganderi.
18 November 2023 added more pix of ovary hairs of a.p. desertica and a.g. adamsii to that page; added pix of fruit, with width to height labeled.
17 November 2023 updated arctostaphylos parryana desertic page to allow its ovary and fruit to range from glabrous to sparsely white hairy; added pix of ovary / very young fruit hairs; added recent results on number of stone segments for adamsii.
16 November 2023 added side by side pix taken at different times by Fred Melgert of pinus ponderosa from palomar mountain and pinus jeffrey from the cuyamaca / laguna mountains.
15 November 2023 added page showing vegetative and non-vegetative buds of pinus ponderosa from palomar mountain and pinus jeffrey from the cuyamaca / laguna mountains.
13 November 2023 added page on the number of stone segments for Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. adamsii and ssp. glandulosa.
4 November 2023 added initial section on how to distinguish Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. adamsii and A. parryana ssp. desertica.
23 February 2023 added page on the flower duration for phacelia parryi.
2 October 2022 added a second measurement for a Pinus jeffreyi seed to the P. jeffreyi / P. ponderosa page.
31 May 2022 added fig. 2 (pix of nascent and full infl) for A.p. desertica page, and map of A.p. desertica locations on the desert divide near the cedar spring trail.
24 May 2022 added plot of latitude vs elevation for arctostaphylos glandulosa.
23 May 2022 added plot of latitude vs elevation for arctostaphylos parryana desertica.
21 May 2022 updated page giving geographic distribution maps for arctostaphylos glandulosa and a. parryana desertica; added page showing nascent infl for a.p. desertica.
21 February 2022 updated dudleya pulverulenta / arizonica second page to give a link to the first page as an introduction.
27 December 2021 added page on brickellia californica and b. desertorum; updated henderson canyon flora page with the new road closure info.
30 November 2021 updated flora of pct b3.
12 November 2021 added geographic distribution maps for arctostaphylos glandulosa adamsii and a. parryana desertica.
15 August 2021 updated plant trail guide for skyline trail from 8/12/21 fieldwork.
11 August 2021 updated plant trail guide for skyline trail from 8/31/12 fieldwork.
13 July 2021 added analysis of dichelostemma capitatum pauciflorum.
5 July 2021 updated pct guide from little tahquitz trail to zen trail from 7/10/19 fieldwork.
27 April 2021 added page on how to distinguish brodiaea filifolia and b. santarosae.
5 April 2021 added page to show pix of leaves and twigs of Ceanothus crassifolius, C. cuneatus, C. pauciflorus, and C. perplexans.
15 March 2021 added top iNat observers for hornblende canyon in flora of granite mountain se.
13 March 2021 updated flora of granite mountain se.
10 March 2021 added page with info about, and linked the Idyllwild Park flora to the version at
27 February 2021 major update to pectocarya page giving some new discriminants to separate P. anisocarpa and P. peninsularis.
13 February 2021 updated page with links to iNat posts of interest.
6 February 2021 added page with links to iNat posts of interest.
30 January 2021 updated flora of sweeney pass / volcanic hills to include walt's latest updates, and to remove vouchered and iNat species not for sure in the floral areas.
27 January 2021 major update to flora of sweeney pass / volcanic hills to bring the entire page up to date, and added gps point coverage maps.
26 January 2021 updated flora of sweeney pass / volcanic hills from work done by walt fidler in the last week.
17 January 2021 updated flora of sweeney pass / volcanic hills from work done by walt fidler last week.
11 January 2021 updated flora of sweeney pass / volcanic hills from extensive work done by walt fidler last spring.
24 November 2020 updated PCT south of SR74 to link to page on Tetradymia comosa.
18 November 2020 added google earth views of miles 2 to 4 of the PCT north of SR74 in its plant trail guide.
17 November 2020 added labeled photograph showing view of trail from mile 0.55, to PCT north of SR74 plant trail guide.
8 November 2020 added analysis page giving the determination of the variety of Ericameria cuneata at SnJt.
1 November 2020 added scanned copy of munz santa catalina island flora 1984 version.
30 October 2020 updated flora of upper tubb canyon / big springs from 10/27/20 fieldwork.
26 October 2020 updated flora of upper tubb canyon / big springs from kate's 3/26/16 fieldwork, and also added vouchers and iNat observations.
15 October 2020 updated flora of james reserve / hall canyon from 9/25/20 fieldwork, inclusion of vouchers for the first time, and a critical examination of all the species. notes were added on excluded species.
11 October 2020 updated flora of idyllwild park from 10/7/20 fieldwork.
2 October 2020 added flora of 4 saints trail at james reserve, from fieldwork on 5/14/13 and 9/25/20, but then deleted it a few days later to avoid calling attention to it.
1 October 2020 updated plant trail guide to james reserve nature trail, from 9/21/20 fieldwork, and added family order checklist.
27 September 2020 updated flora of idyllwild park from 9/21/20 field work, and some serious review of the list species.
24 September 2020 updated plant trail guide to james reserve nature trail, from 7/9/16 fieldwork.
20 September 2020 updated flora of idyllwild park from 5/22/17 field work.
17 September 2020 added updated flora of devils slide plant guide.
16 September 2020 major update to devils slide plant trail guide, making it a real page that is now complete for all sections.
12 September 2020 updated lake hemet flora to give the date of first observation of lemna turionifera.
10 September 2020 updated lake hemet flora to correct lemna species, thanks to wayne armstrong.
6 September 2020 updated lake hemet flora.
20 August 2020 added lake hemet flora.
15 June 2020 added page on the cleistogamous flowers of collomia grandiflora.
11 June 2020 added flora of baldy mountain at SnJt, from two days of fieldwork by me, a very complete list by Jordan Zylstra, and vouchers. updated deer springs plant trail guide.
4 June 2020 updated flora of may valley road from 5/11/20 and 6/2/20 fieldwork.
5 May 2020 updated flora of 3S08, the Vista Grande Road, from the 10/30/18 fieldwork.
10 April 2020 updated flora of sweeney pass and volcanic hills area.
9 April 2020 added analysis of iNat position accuracy.
7 April 2020 added pix of malacothrix californica by kate shapiro to pct b1 page.
27 March 2020 updated sweeney pass flora to include volcanic hills, the latest fieldwork, and iNat observations.
25 February 2020 updated flora of glorietta / salarazia canyons from latest fieldwork, and removed the yaqui pass part out of it, now given on a separate page.
11 February 2020 updated flora of clark valley from iNat and FC list.
10 February 2020 updated lycium analysis page to give an analysis plot comparing L. brevipes with L. parishii, updating the range of corolla lobe to corolla tube values for those species, and adding photographs of all the analyzed flowers.
30 January 2020 made separate flora for the culp valley / dry canyon area, now including iNat species.
25 January 2020 updated flora of coyote creek 1st to third crossing, from 3/23/18 and 12/10/19 fieldwork.
20 January 2020 updated flora of uppermost box canyon road, near I-10, from our brief survey on 1/17/20.
16 January 2020 added flora of uppermost box canyon road, near I-10, from vouchers and iNat observations.
11 January 2020 added flora of palm spring / vallecito creek area from vouchers and iNat observations.
2 January 2020 updated flora of henderson canyon from 12/29/19 fieldwork; updated flora of truckhaven rocks from 12/24/19 fieldwork.
8 December 2019 added page on how to recognize Malacothamnus enigmaticus in san diego county.
5 December 2019 updated flora of borrego palm canyon from iNat observations and 1/26/16 fieldwork.
27 November 2019 updated flora of yaqui pass area from the 11/23/19 fieldwork.
20 November 2019 updated flora of pct section a9c from 11/18/19 fieldwork.
13 November 2019 updated flora of wilson trail / pinyon ridge from 11/10/19 fieldwork, and 4/22/13 and 4/26/13 fieldwork.
8 November 2019 updated flora of wilson trail / pinyon ridge from 3/1/16 fieldwork.
7 November 2019 updated flora of foot to smuggler from 11/5/19 fieldwork.
4 November 2019 updated flora of foot to smuggler from 11/1/19 fieldwork.
31 October 2019 added FC links to foot to smuggler; updated flora of may valley road area from 10/27/19 fieldwork and added a labeled map showing the May Valley Road area, maps of vouchers, and our GPS points.
30 October 2019 added page with combined flora of foot and walker pass to crime canyon, and smuggler canyon.
26 October 2019 updated flora of may valley road area from 10/19/19 fieldwork
18 October 2019 updated flora of may valley road area from 10/14/19 fieldwork
12 October 2019 updated flora of may valley road area from 10/8/19 fieldwork; the 7/1/19 survey by Bruce Watts; and the 5/4/13 short survey.
7 October 2019 updated flora of may valley road area from 10/3/19 fieldwork.
1 October 2019 updated flora of may valley road area to link to iNat observations.
30 September 2019 updated flora of may valley road area from field trip on 9/27/19.
26 September 2019 added flora of may valley from vouchers, a single brief field trip by Dave Stith and Tom Chester, and a single brief field trip by Bruce Watts and Lance Woolley.
21 September 2019 added flora of webster trail that includes species below 5000 feet elevation.
18 September 2019 updated flora of the hub area from 10/11/18 and 5/14/19 fieldwork.
16 September 2019 added link in references in A. pringlei nascent infl page.
14 September 2019 added plant trail guide and flora for pct from wellman divide trail to deer springs trail.
7 September 2019 Added Google Earth image of manzanita locations on Devils Slide Trail.
15 August 2019 added flora of lower willow creek, updated from the 8/8/19 fieldwork.
9 July 2019 updated plant trail guide for pct from little tahquitz trail toward the Zen Trail from 7/1/19 fieldwork, and linked the flora in family order from that guide.
30 June 2019 updated plant trail guide for pct from little tahquitz trail toward the Zen Trail from 6/27/11 fieldwork.
10 June 2019 added separate flora of just candys creek and skunk cabbage meadow, now in jm2 format.
5 June 2019 added flora of pct from cedar spring trail to SR74 with latest fieldwork.
22 May 2019 updated flora of morris ranch road area, Garner Valley, from 5/18/19 fieldwork.
17 May 2019 added flora of morris ranch road area, Garner Valley.
4 May 2019 added flora of apple canyon road, Garner Valley.
18 April 2019 added separate flora of jasper trail and wilson trail area, linked from culp valley flora.
17 April 2019 updated flora of PCT Section B1 from barrel springs to warner springs, from 4/15/19 fieldwork and some earlier fieldwork.
4 April 2019 updated flora of potrero to correct source for three species, from FC to V, thanks to input from Carla.
3 April 2019 updated flora of potrero from two walt trips and our 4/1/19 trip.
31 March 2019 updated flora of potrero from three walt trips.
26 March 2019 updated flora of hellhole canyon.
21 March 2019 updated flora of villager peak trail / rattlesnake canyon area from latest fieldwork.
17 March 2019 updated flora of borrego springs desert floor from fieldwork at the end of the 2017 season.
13 March 2019 updated flora of june wash from 3/9/19 fieldwork.
8 March 2019 updated flora of june wash from four walt trips in february and march; updated flora of torote / indian canyons from 3/5/19 fieldwork, and other work by Walt.
4 March 2019 updated flora of smoke tree / coachwhip canyons from 2/23/19 fieldwork.
2 March 2019 updated flora of torote / indian canyons from 2/27/19 fieldwork.
21 February 2019 updated flora of smoke tree / coachwhip canyons from 2/18/19 fieldwork.
17 February 2019 updated flora of smoke tree / coachwhip canyons from latest fieldwork, iNat observations, and a voucher check.
10 February 2019 updated flora of borrego badlands, ella wash loop, and arroyo salado area.
4 February 2019 updated borrego badlands flora, and linked special versions for ella wash loop, and for arroyo salado area; updated truckhaven rocks flora and added fc links.
2 February 2019 updated the pectocarya heterocarpa and peninsularis page with a number of pix of the pedicels, additional info on the flower size, and added how i differentiate them in the abstract.
31 January 2019 added flora of truckhaven rocks area.
29 January 2019 updated the pectocarya heterocarpa and peninsularis page with a large number of nutlet pix from iNat, and with pix of the two plants in bloom.
22 January 2019 updated borrego badlands flora from new voucher search, an iNat search, fred and carla's lists, and recent fieldtrips.
21 January 2019 updated june wash flora page from the 1/18/19 field trip, and 1/19/19 trip by walt fidler.
17 January 2019 updated june wash flora page from the 12/24/18 field trip, and three other trips by walt fidler.
15 January 2019 updated lycium page to include fred and carla's key, and improved navigation; updated canebrake flora from 1/11/19 fieldwork.
10 January 2019 updated flora of borrego mtn area from 1/7/19 fieldwork.
6 January 2019 added page on usefulness of leaf lobing to separate dalea mollis and d. mollissima
5 January 2019 updated flora of borrego mtn area from 1/2/19 fieldwork.
1 January 2019 updated flora of borrego mtn area from 12/28/18 fieldwork.
23 December 2018 updated flora of borrego mountain from 12/12/18 and 12/19/18 (walt fidler) fieldwork; updated flora of june wash from 12/20/18 fieldwork by walt fidler.
18 December 2018 added flora of june wash from 12/16/18 fieldwork.
11 December 2018 updated flora of borrego mtn from 12/7 and 12/8/18 fieldwork.
6 December 2018 updated flora of borrego mtn, to include two more field trips, a new voucher search, and a new search of iNat.
5 December 2018 added flora of canebrake.
29 November 2018 updated ironwood canyon flora from the 11/25/18 fieldwork, and added links to borregowildflowers pages for first time.
24 November 2018 added ironwood canyon flora.
22 November 2018 updated canyon 41 flora from 11/18/18 field trip.
17 November 2018 added flora of just canyon 41 area, now including iNat observations.
13 November 2018 added flora of sr78 / old kane springs road area, from the narrows to ocotillo wells.
12 November 2018 updated flora of the potrero from the 11/9/18 fieldwork.
8 November 2018 added flora of the potrero.
6 November 2018 updated flora of dark canyon to include two more species from the 11/3/18 survey.
5 November 2018 updated flora of garner valley quinn flat to correct cornus species from sericea to glabrata, and to remove eriastrum eremicum; updated flora of dark canyon to include results from the 11/3/18 survey, and to add columns giving the number of vouchers and species from different areas.
1 November 2018 added flora of dark canyon area 5000 to 9000 feet.
29 October 2018 updated flora of pine cove area from 10/26/18 fieldwork, adding columns for vouchers, 5S09, 5S10, and the Webster Trail; added flora of vista grande road 3S08 from 6/1/14 fieldwork.
25 October 2018 added flora of pine cove area
23 October 2018 updated flora of control road sw of idyllwild to add allium marvinii and delete descurainia.
22 October 2018 updated flora of control road sw of idyllwild from 10/21/18 fieldwork.
20 October 2018 updated flora of control road sw of idyllwild from 5/28/13 fieldwork.
18 October 2018 updated flora of rodriguez truck trail road area from 10/16/18 fieldwork.
15 October 2018 added flora of rodriguez truck trail road area.
7 October 2018 updated hub / grotto flora from 10/6/18 fieldwork.
4 October 2018 updated hub / grotto flora from 10/2/18 fieldwork.
1 October 2018 updated sawmill road area flora from 9/28/18 field work; updated strawberry creek gorge (grotto) flora from 5/28/13 fieldwork.
27 September 2018 updated sawmill road area flora from 6/22/15, 7/6/16, and 7/8/15 field work.
26 September 2018 updated marion mtn plant trail guide and checklist from 9/24/18 field work.
23 September 2018 updated marion mtn plant trail guide and checklist from 9/19/18 field work.
18 September 2018 updated marion mtn plant trail guide from 8/21/15 work, updated it to jm2 format, and added checklist in family order.
17 September 2018 updated flora of tahquitz peak area from 9/14/18 fieldwork.
8 September 2018 added flora of the part of willow creek trail between hidden lake divide and laws connector trail.
5 September 2018 updated flora of Tahquitz Peak and Red Tahquitz Peak Area from the 9/4/18 fieldwork, and converted it to the jm2 system.
29 August 2018 updated flora of upper willow creek from 8/8/18 fieldwork.
16 August 2018 updated print version of flora of skunk cabbage meadow, and created print version of flora of tahquitz meadow.
12 August 2018 updated flora of meadows of tahquitz valley, from latest observations and conversion to JM2 system.
11 August 2018 updated fire followers page to add an introduction, stimulated by Lee Gordon.
7 August 2018 updated flora of pct coon creek to mission spring from 8/3/18 fieldwork.
2 August 2018 updated flora of pct coon creek to onyx summit from 7/31/18 fieldwork.
24 July 2018 updated plant trail guide for Saddle Junction to Wellman Cienega from the 8/11/16 fieldwork, updated it to JM2 format, removing the Wellman Cienega plants and referring to that flora; added checklist in family order. updated checklist of upper willow creek from 7/19/18 fieldwork.
15 July 2018 updated flora of upper willow creek, sections W2 and W3, from 7/13/18 fieldwork; updated arabis species with upright fruit page to give Boechera retrofracta X name.
11 July 2018 updated flora of upper willow creek, sections W1 to W4, from 7/9/18 fieldwork; updated laws loop plant guide and flora.
8 July 2018 updated laws loop guide and checklist from 7/3/18 fieldwork.
7 July 2018 added flora of upper willow creek, sections W1 to W4, in JM2 format.
2 July 2018 updated laws loop guide from all fieldwork through 6/29/18, and added family order checklist.
28 June 2018 updated laws loop guide from 6/6/12 fieldwork up to mile 1.99.
22 June 2018 updated flora of fuller ridge to show all areas surveyed.
20 June 2018 updated ernie maxwell plant trail guide to correctly locate the off-trail lemon lily and lady fern.
19 June 2018 major update to flora of fuller ridge area by a complete review of all field determinations and vouchers, adding extensive species notes and updating list of rejected vouchers.
14 June 2018 added flora of California Riding and Hiking Trail north of Black Mountain Road, San Jacinto Mountains from 8/2/11 fieldwork and later fieldwork in surrounding areas.
13 June 2018 updated flora of black mountain road area from fieldwork on 6/11/18 and a car trip on 8/2/11.
10 June 2018 added flora of black mountain road area; updated mt. wilson trail flora from michael's changes in last month.
9 June 2018 updated ernie maxwell trail guide and flora from a complete review of all past fieldwork.
7 June 2018 updated ernie maxwell trail guide and flora from 6/5/18 fieldwork.
6 June 2018 updated page on erigeron folosus vs. e. breweri with info from 6/5/18 fieldtrip looking at e. foliosus plants.
4 June 2018 updated ernie maxwell trail guide and flora from 9/18/15 fieldwork, with two other corrections for claytonia rubra and delphinium patens; updated quinn flat flora from bruce watts emails from last year, from input from jordan zylstra, from reviewing vouchers more critically and tossing ones not in the area, and from 5/11/18 fieldwork.
3 June 2018 updated flora of pct north of sr74 from 5/31/18 fieldwork.
27 May 2018 updated flora of pct north of sr74 from 11/11/16 fieldwork and fieldwork in may 2015 by kirk anderson.
27 May 2018 updated flora of pct b1 from 4/18/18 fieldwork.
26 May 2018 some updates to the flora of mt. wilson trail; update to SnJt Garner Valley Quinn Flat / Kenworthy flora from 5/11/18 survey.
22 May 2018 added note about heuchera elegans and h. caespitosa in jm name notes.
21 May 2018 added flora of cedar spring trail and pct north of cedar spring.
20 May 2018 some updates to the flora of mt. wilson trail.
16 May 2018 added flora of mt. wilson trail from vouchers and michael charters extensive field work.
14 May 2018 updated flora of cedar spring trail from 5/7/18 fieldwork on both the north and south trail.
6 May 2018 updated flora of cedar springs trail from 11/15/16 fieldwork, and added flora of section north of the pct to cedar spring; updated flora of "east of cuyamaca lake" from 5/3/18 fieldwork.
5 May 2018 added page on ranunculus californicus and occidentalis at lake cuyamaca.
2 May 2018 updated page on flora of quinn flat / kenworthy area with bruce's pix and with maps of gps points; added flora of the area east of lake cuyamaca.
29 April 2018 updated flora of quinn flat / kenworthy area from 4/27/18 fieldwork.
26 April 2018 updated flora of quinn flat / kenworthy area from 4/24/17, 10/1/17 fieldwork and some other bruce watts trips.
17 April 2018 updated flora of pct b1 from 5/1/16 fieldwork and some additional updates from kate harper from 10/29/15.
13 April 2018 updated flora of cahuilla mountain from 4/9/18 fieldwork; updated plant trail guide to spitler peak from 3/29/18 fieldwork, and made it slightly less rough.
6 April 2018 updated flora of ramona trail area from 4/3/18 fieldwork.
2 April 2018 added flora of ramona trail area from 4/25/14 fieldwork.
28 March 2018 added plant trail guide to spitler peak trail in very rough form.
22 March 2018 added page on schismus species.
17 March 2018 updated flora of torote / indian canyons from 1/22/18 fieldwork.
15 March 2018 updated flora of indian and sheep canyon from fieldwork done by walt fidler in the last several weeks.
11 March 2018 made a separate flora of the pena spring area, and updated it for vouchers and iNat.
8 March 2018 updated flora of indian and sheep canyon from 3/6/18 fieldwork.
5 March 2018 added page with photographs of dudleya arizonica and pulverulenta, set up so people can test their skills at determining them.
4 March 2018 updated flora of indian and sheep canyon from 3/1/18 fieldwork.
28 February 2018 added separate flora of indian and sheep canyon near collins valley.
27 February 2018 updated flora of boulder alley / lower willows loop from 2/25/18 fieldwork.
24 February 2018 added separate flora of boulder alley / lower willows loop.
23 February 2018 added flora of old kane spring road, from 2/20/18 fieldwork and vouchers et al; updated code for google search.
19 February 2018 updated flora of vallecito hills from 2/15/18 fieldwork and from the fred and carla survey, and a new more careful voucher search.
13 February 2018 updated flora of cool canyon from 2/10/18 fieldwork, and from all past trips to this area. added much more information to the page.
9 February 2018 added separate flora of cool canyon, with an updated voucher search, and adding fred and carla species.
19 January 2018 updated flora of torote / indian canyons area from 1/17/18 fieldwork.
16 January 2018 added flora of torote / indian canyons area.
15 January 2018 updated flora of coyote creek first to third crossing area from 1/13/18 fieldwork.
12 January 2018 updated flora of coyote creek first to third crossing area with new species from fred and carla's third crossing wash loop; updated flora of box canyon from 1/4/18 fieldwork.
10 January 2018 made a new whitewater canyon flora that just includes species from our surveys and post-2010 vouchers.
7 January 2018 updated icehouse canyon flora to remove drymocallis glandulosa wrangelliana per michael charters' change in his photo gallery.
5 January 2018 finally updated potentilla glandulosa page with the final jm2 treatment instead of the preliminary one. the new treatment restored ssp. glandulosa to TR, PR.
3 January 2018 updated flora of box canyon north of coyote creek from 12/22/17 fieldwork.
1 January 2018 added flora of lowermost snow creek area.
23 December 2017 added flora of pct b9c from snow creek road up toward fuller ridge.
19 December 2017 updated flora of box canyon north of coyote creek from 12/18/17 fieldwork.
17 December 2017 added flora of box canyon north of coyote creek.
16 December 2017 updated flora of palm canyon et al in the indian canyons from fieldwork on 12/14/17.
10 December 2017 updated flora of coyote canyon from fieldwork on 12/4/17 and 12/10/17, and including horse camp area fieldwork after somewhat enlarging the area for this flora. removed old flora of desert garden / first crossing.
2 December 2017 added flora of coyote canyon first to third crossing.
29 November 2017 updated flora of Boy Scout Trail from walt's numbers; added flora of Barker Dam, Wonderland Wash, Western Queeen Valley Area.
28 November 2017 added link to joan barger's pix from the boy scout trail.
27 November 2017 updated flora of Boy Scout Trail from 11/26/17 fieldwork, and removed species not found in the area of that trail and some misdetermined iNaturalist species.
24 November 2017 updated flora of Boy Scout Trail from Michael Charters and RT and Shaun Hawke fieldwork; corrected one species in bloom list; updated flora of nw JTNP from 11/21/17 fieldwork.
20 November 2017 updated flora of nw JTNP from 11/17/17 fieldwork.
15 November 2017 updated flora of nw JTNP from 11/13/17 fieldwork.
14 November 2017 added page on astragalus lentiginosus and a. palmeri at JTNP.
11 November 2017 added list of plants seen in the four november surveys of JTNP; added flora of nw area of JTNP.
10 November 2017 added list of plants in bloom from JTNP on 7 November 2017.
5 November 2017 updated the flora of boy scout trail area from the 11/3/17 fieldwork, and added page giving a list of the species in bloom, along with some pix.
2 November 2017 added voucher flora of boy scout trail area at joshua tree national park.
28 October 2017 updated flora of icehouse canyon at SnGb from the 10/26/17 field trip
23 October 2017 updated flora of devils backbone from baldy notch to mt. baldy to remove limber pine.
18 October 2017 updated flora of icehouse canyon at SnGb from the 10/16/17 field trip; from michael charters photo gallery; and from calflora observations.
14 October 2017 updated voucher flora of laguna meadow area, and added intro part on the harmful cattle grazing going on here.
13 October 2017 added voucher flora of icehouse canyon at SnGb.
8 October 2017 added voucher flora of laguna meadow area.
13 September 2017 updated deer springs plant trail guide and flora from work done in the last year.
12 September 2017 added missing link for PCT From Cedar Spring Trail south two miles; added plant checklist for south fork meadow area, SnBr, from vouchers and from fieldwork on 9/6/17.
26 August 2017 updated flora of hidden lake from a new voucher search and from fieldwork on 21 August 2012.
25 July 2017 added entry on luzula comosa to page on jm name notes.
23 July 2017 added flora of skyline trail at SnJt from 8/31/12 fieldwork; updated plant trail guide from wellman divide to SnJt peak from 8/4/10 and 8/8/12 fieldwork.
9 July 2017 updated plant trail guide to round valley low trail from 9/10/10, 6/30/17, 7/5/17 fieldwork, as well as from at least one additional trip.
4 July 2017 updated plant trail guide to round valley loop from 6/30/17 fieldwork.
1 July 2017 updated plant guide for tram sidewalk with minor changes to distances.
29 June 2017 updated plant trail guide to round valley loop from 6/12/12 fieldwork.
25 June 2017 updated flora of long valley from 2012 and 2013 fieldwork and converted it to the jm2 system.
24 June 2017 updated plant guides for tram sidewalk, long valley discovery trail, and desert view trail.
21 June 2017 updated cahuilla mtn page to add granite mountain to labeled view of mountains seen from cahuilla mtn.
18 June 2017 updated flora of cahuilla mtn to improve the text, thanks to comments by jane strong, and added notes for some of the misdetermined species in the CMRNA Checklist.
16 June 2017 updated flora of cahuilla mtn from the 6/13/17 fieldwork, and from an extensive review of the keeler-wolf checklist.
14 June 2017 added labeled pix of views from cahuilla mtn.
12 June 2017 updated flora of cahuilla mountain, from the 27 may 2017 fieldwork, and the plant list from keeler-wolf
12 May 2017 added flora of old control road, from vouchers and from fieldwork on 8 May 2017.
5 May 2017 updated idyllwild park checklist with additions since 2012, including fieldwork done in april and may 2017.
27 April 2017 updated whale peak area flora from 5/9/16 fieldwork.
23 April 2017 updated flora of pct d2 from the 4/20/17 fieldwork.
19 April 2017 updated flora of pct d2 from walt fidler's updates from the last few weeks.
18 April 2017 updated flora of pct d1 from walt fidler's updates from the last few weeks.
30 March 2017 added link to michael charters' photo gallery for the cactus spring trail.
27 March 2017 updated flora of henderson canyon page with writeup of the phacelia rotundifolia survey results from 3/24/17. updated flora of moonlight canyon / canyon 41 from 2/13/17 fieldwork.
26 March 2017 updated flora of henderson canyon from last two field trips there.
28 February 2017 updated flora of smoke tree and coachwhip canyons from last two field trips there.
18 February 2017 linked flora of "canyon north of henderson canyon", done from 1/21/17 fieldwork.
10 February 2017 updated the flora of moonlight canyon / canyon 41 from fieldwork on 2/8/17 and from a voucher search for inner pasture.
6 February 2017 replaced the older flora of canyon 41 with the updated flora of moonlight canyon / canyon 41.
4 February 2017 updated flora of lizard canyon to include chuckwalla wash / canyon, and moved it to a newly-titled page.
16 January 2017 updated flora of borrego springs desert floor
9 January 2017 minor update to flora of rainbow canyon.
8 January 2017 updated flora of rainbow canyon from 1/7/17 fieldwork.
6 January 2017 updated glorietta canyon page to use correct comparison pix in table 1 for view looking se by me, thanks to Craig Marshall noticing the pix was incorrectly linked. updated flora of rainbow canyon from 4/6/12 fieldwork, and restricted the flora to just species found there.
30 December 2016 updated clark valley flora from 12/27/16 fieldwork.
29 December 2016 linked page on bruce watts boechera johnstonii survey from SnJt species page.
26 December 2016 updated clark valley flora from 3/7/09 and 12/19/09 fieldwork, and with a new voucher search. added flora of southeast coyote mtn from voucher search and 1/15/11 fieldwork.
22 December 2016 updated palm wash flora from 12/19/16 survey.
20 December 2016 updated flora for baldy notch to west baldy from 6/22/13 fieldtrip. abundances are preliminary and don't have walt's updates to them yet.
18 December 2016 updated palm wash flora from 12/11/16 survey.
17 December 2016 updated entire borrego mountain flora to give latest survey results, and presented it in a simpler form and a detailed form. i also added links to fred and carla's trip pages.
14 December 2016 updated borrego mountain flora with a special jm2 version of the updated flora giving only a column for the west butte.
10 December 2016 updated palm canyon wash flora from 2/11/16 fieldwork.
6 December 2016 updated henderson canyon page to be clearer on where Hoffmannseggia microphylla occurs, thanks to input from fred melgert.
2 December 2016 added links to fred and carla's page for the canyon sin nombre area.
1 December 2016 updated flora of canyon sin nombre area, from 12/28/16 survey, and restricting voucher search to south of carrizo creek.
27 November 2016 added flora of canyon sin nombre area, from vouchers and from carla hoegen and fred melgert observations.
26 November 2016 updated SnJt tetradymia comosa page with new results from bruce watts, and added section on Comparison of post-1986 Voucher Collections to pre-1980 Voucher Collections.
22 November 2016 updated flora of the quinn flat / kenworthy area of garner valley with a few additional taxa, including converting it to the JM2 system and rectifying the entries.
21 November 2016 updated flora of the quinn flat / kenworthy area of garner valley, SnJt, from 19 November 2016 fieldwork, and from all the many trips done by bruce watts over the last two years.
18 November 2016 added flora of the quinn flat / kenworthy area of garner valley, SnJt.
14 November 2016 updated cedar springs / pct south flora from fieldwork on 17 May 2016.
16 October 2016 updated stonewall peak flora from fieldwork on 14 october 2016.
13 October 2016 added flora of stonewall peak from vouchers; updated cuyamaca peak flora from fieldwork on 10/9/16
8 October 2016 finally updated cactus spring plant trail guide and flora, from fieldwork from 2014, 2015 and 2016.
1 October 2016 updated plant trail guide and flora for penny pines to garnet peak from 9/29/16 fieldwork.
28 September 2016 updated plant trail guide for penny pines to garnet peak from 6/16/05 fieldwork; added flora of that area from that plant trail guide and from a new voucher search.
21 September 2016 updated flora of cahuilla mountain from field work on 10/11/2009.
19 September 2016 added full page on Keckiella rothrockii var. jacintensis, including the latest census results, its taxonomic history and a comparison to var. rothrockii, moving the detailed census pages to a separate page. updated SnJt endemics page to link to our webpage on each taxa, when available, and added rarity codes.
13 September 2016 added results of 9/12/16 keckiella census from fuller ridge to that species page.
8 September 2016 added results of 9/7/16 keckiella census from tahquitz valley to that species page.
4 September 2016 updated tetradymia page to include voucher maps of all southern california tetradymia species, introductory info to the genus, photographs of it by bruce watts, and speculation about whether this might now be a rare species due to habitat destruction. added page giving gps locations of keckiella rothrockii.
3 September 2016 added map of 109 plants of tetradymia comosa found by bruce watts in garner valley, along with voucher maps of its entire population.
14 August 2016 added flora of north Mt. Islip, SnGb.
10 August 2016 updated pct plant trail guide from saddle junction to wellman divide from 8/28/06 fieldwork.
6 August 2016 updated plant trail guide to fuller ridge trail from 9/4/11 fieldwork, and updated it to jm2 format.
4 August 2016 added page on munchkin lemon lily on the devils slide trail, and the decline of lemon lilies in the idyllwild area, both linked from the SnJt species page.
21 July 2016 added species notes to flora of upper blue ridge, along with an expanded introduction.
20 July 2016 updated flora of upper blue ridge from fieldwork in last two years.
12 July 2016 updated deer springs trail to correct adiantum species.
8 July 2016 updated plant trail guide to nature trail at james reserve from 7/6/16 field work; added flora of hall canyon from my work, replacing link to the james reserve list.
5 July 2016 updated plant trail guide to nature trail at james reserve from field work on 5/14/13 and 6/14/16.
26 June 2016 added plant trail guide to pct from onyx summit to 2N04.
25 June 2016 updated flora of onyx summit area at SnBr from fieldwork on 6/23/16.
22 June 2016 added flora of onyx summit area at SnBr.
13 June 2016 updated flora of table mountain from 6/10/10 fieldwork; deleted species only known from nearby areas.
9 June 2016 added plant trail guide for pct from dawson saddle junction to windy gap; updated flora of table mountain from 9/1/15 survey.
7 June 2016 updated dawson saddle plant trail guide from 6/2/16 fieldwork, and cleaned it up of past misdeterminations. i also updated the analysis page "Regional Distribution of the Plants on Dawson Saddle Trail".
1 June 2016 updated flora of culp valley from 5/29/16 and 4/26/13 fieldwork.
24 May 2016 updated flora of pinyon flat area of SnRsMtns from fieldwork on the upper palm canyon trail on 21 May 2016, and by including the jepson and hall vouchers from palm canyon.
16 May 2016 updated flora of cedar springs trail and pct south of cedar springs trail, from 5/13/16 fieldwork, and converted it to the JM2 system.
7 May 2016 updated flora of cedar springs trail and pct south of cedar springs trail, from 5/4/16 fieldwork.
3 May 2016 added flora of cedar springs trail and pct south of cedar springs trail, replacing the plant trail guide.
23 April 2016 added flora of titus canyon, death valley, from vouchers and calflora.
14 April 2016 added flora of smer highland trail area.
5 April 2016 updated name of indian flats road on pct b3, thanks to fred and carla.
1 April 2016 added photos of bob muns' santa susana mountain park to his plant list page; added link to scanned booklets from CNPS site.
29 March 2016 added updated flora for srp ecological reserve area, now updated to jm2 format.
28 March 2016 added page showing voucher geographic distribution maps of nemophila menziesii and n. pedunculata.
25 March 2016 updated upper tubb canyon / big spring flora from kate's field work on 3/19/16.
22 March 2016 updated mescal bajada flora to reject vouchers only from nearby areas, and to reflect the updated sdsu determinations.
21 March 2016 updated smuggler flora to include the results from the 3/18/16 survey, and to remove species that were put in from surrounding areas to make the list more complete.
20 March 2016 updates to page on all eight pectocarya species of southern California.
16 March 2016 added page on all eight pectocarya species of southern California.
6 March 2016 added link to michael charters' death valley photo gallery from dv botanical report.
4 March 2016 updated grapevine canyon flora to include results of the 4/15/12 bitter creek loop survey.
24 February 2016 added page on distinguishing Nama pusilla and Tiquilia nuttallii; added first part of death valley trip report.
18 February 2016 added more species to death valley bloomers.
17 February 2016 added list of some death valley plants that bloom in february or march
13 February 2016 deleted phacelia crenulata ambigua from henderson canyon flora, since it was almost surely a misdetermination of p. pedicellata.
10 February 2016 added flora of palm wash area that includes both san diego and imperial counties, including added some new vouchered species.
1 February 2016 updated phlox austromontana and diffusa page to incorporate a suggestion from carolyn ferguson.
25 January 2016 updated flora of borrego springs desert floor.
23 January 2016 added geographic distribution of cryptantha angustifolia.
21 January 2016 updated flora of borrego palm canyon, to convert to jm2 system and to add updates from ~4 surveys.
16 January 2016 updated flora of se santa rosa mountain; updated flora of borrego badlands from 1/9/16 and 1/13/16 fieldwork.
8 January 2016 added pct section b5, tule canyon tt to sr74; updated trail guide to pct south of sr74 to jm2 system.
5 January 2016 updated flora of mescal bajada from last several field trips; added pano images; updated page to give description of all fieldwork.
1 January 2016 pct section b4, the combs peak section, added.
28 December 2015 updated flora of henderson canyon to discuss the single plant of Hoffmannseggia microphylla found there on the last survey.
22 December 2015 updated flora of collins valley from 4/30/10 and 1/22/15 fieldwork; added Atriplex lentiformis ssp. lentiformis to Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site.
18 December 2015 updated henderson canyon flora from 12/15/15 fieldwork, and updated page to mention the flood wash-down species.
14 December 2015 updated henderson canyon flora from 2/25/15 fieldwork; updated Flora of North Sawtooth and Tierra Blanca Mountains from fieldwork on 12/6 and 12/10/15.
9 December 2015 updated phlox austromontana / diffusa page to put labels in Fig. 2 to make it clearer, thanks to input from Dieter Wlken.
27 November 2015 updated flora of pct b3 warner springs to chihuahua road to mention the confusion about the road names at each end, and to update the calflora illustrated list format info; added correct links to pct a9 scissors crossing north for a9a.
26 November 2015 updated flora of pct b3 warner springs to chihuahua road from fred and carla's lost valley trip.
25 November 2015 updated flora of pct b3 warner springs to chihuahua road, from 23 November 2015 fieldwork, and made the complete PCT B3 page.
22 November 2015 updated flora of pct b3 warner springs to chihuahua road, from latest fieldwork and from pct vouchers.
21 November 2015 added beautiful pix by juergen schrenk of the wildflower displays along pct b1.
17 November 2015 added pct page for b1, Highway S22 (Barrel Springs) to Highway 79 (Warner Springs fire station).
16 November 2015 corrected "all amaranthus pollen are four-chambered" to "all amaranthus anthers are four-chambered", thanks to kate harper.
7 November 2015 a few updates for amaranthus page: comments on the A. watsonii vouchers from sd county, added that some monoecious species have a fair number of staminate flowers; added a key.
6 November 2015 added page on the six erect amaranthus species of san diego county; updated pigweed link in calif pix and db, thanks to kate harper.
5 November 2015 updated gutierrezia analysis page with results of measurement on SD folders of "G. californica" and of G. sarothrae.
24 October 2015 completed pct b2 page.
23 October 2015 updated plant trail guide for pct b2, warner springs, from fieldwork on 10/20/15; added family order flora.
19 October 2015 added plant trail guide for pct b2, warner springs sr79 to sr79, from rt's survey on 4/20/14.
16 October 2015 added analysis of some arctostaphylos specimens from SnGb Charlton Flat / Chilao / Three Points Area.
12 October 2015 updated gutierrezia page with results from the SnBr survey on 10/8/15.
6 October 2015 added flora of vincent gap to fenner saddle, from field work on 10/3/15.
5 October 2015 added new gutierrezia analysis page, giving all the results so far, in a much cleaner exposition of the differences between them, and added plots of their geographic ranges.
27 September 2015 added gutierrezia analysis page, giving results for analysis of six populations of g. sarothrae. moved old srp / smer page to different file name and added comments about it.
26 September 2015 added incomplete page on SnGb geographic distribution plots for plants species seen at table mountain.
13 September 2015 updated SnGb endemic page, to add monardella australis gabrielensis, and to update note about ssp. cinerea.
10 September 2015 completed jackson lake flora page, adding checklist content, updated plant list from 9/5/15 survey, full voucher information.
7 September 2015 added origin of jackson lake to its flora page, and added a table with distinguishing characteristics for the aquatic species.
4 September 2015 added flora of jackson lake area, SnGb.
30 August 2015 expanded botanical highlights section in table mountain flora to detail where else the carbonate-loving plants grew; updated three links to michael charters' photo gallery from his changes.
29 August 2015 updated table mountain flora with results from the 8/26/15 fieldwork, and added some photographs and topo maps to the page.
25 August 2015 updated table mountain flora with results from the 8/7/15 fieldwork.
19 August 2015 updated dawson saddle to throop peak plant trail guide, and the plant trail guide to pct from throop peak junction to baden-powell junction, both from the 8/17/15 field work.
16 August 2015 updated dawson saddle to throop peak plant trail guide from 8/18/14 field work; added plant trail guide to pct from throop peak junction to baden-powell junction.
8 August 2015 updated phlox austromontana / diffusa page with info from orlando on the redetermination of a p. austromontana voucher at rsa as diffusa, and info on a small number of p. diffusa plants being found off dolomite / limestone on the blue ridge.
6 August 2015 updated flora of blue ridge trail / big pines area at SnGb from 8/3/15 fieldwork.
2 August 2015 minor updates to phlox page; added california species with greatest distance to its nearest relatives to interesting plant facts.
1 August 2015 added complete page on Phlox austromontana and P. diffusa, giving all the differences i know of between the two species, and their geographic distribution.
30 July 2015 updated SnGb table mountain flora to include links to michael charter's photo gallery from there; added page showing leaf shape difference between Phlox austromontana and P. diffusa.
20 July 2015 updated print versions of pct bertha peak C10 section to correspond to 6/19/12 version of main page.
17 July 2015 updated table mountain flora to include results of 7/13/15 fieldwork; added link to michael charters' photo gallery for north side mt. waterman, and added print versions of that flora.
11 July 2015 updated table mountain flora to include results of 8/23/13 fieldwork.
7 July 2015 updated devils slide trail plant guide from 7/16/12, 10/2/12, 6/18/13, 6/7/14, and 7/3/15 fieldwork, and updated it to jm2 numbers as well as current "#all" numbers.
28 June 2015 added flora of north side of Mt. waterman, from vouchers and 6/24/15 fieldwork.
20 June 2015 added malacothamnus page giving voucher distribution plots.
13 June 2015 updated plant trail guide and flora for SnGb PCT Cloudburst summit to Three Points from 6/9/15 field work.
8 June 2015 updated SnJt Deer Springs Trail from 6/2/15 work; added plant trail guide for SnGb PCT Cloudburst summit to Three Points.
4 June 2015 updated puma reserve flora from michael charters field work in may.
1 June 2015 added family checklist order for ernie maxwell; updated ssp of artemisia ludoviciana on it; updated SnJt deer springs plant trail guide from all work since 2010, and made family checklist order for it.
31 May 2015 updated ernie maxwell plant trail guide from fieldwork done since 2009, including the 5/29/15 fieldwork.
28 May 2015 added pct c12c trail order and area flora, from fieldwork done on 5/24/15 and 3/28/15.
22 May 2015 updated chorizanthe page to include new sections on the invol density of c. staticoides, and its shape of the invol tube; and a discussion of the various forms of that species.
21 May 2015 updated puma reserve flora from michael charters fieldwork, and poa / koeleria samples he sent me.
20 May 2015 updated chorizanthe page to include tidbits from two monographs on it.
19 May 2015 added analysis page on chorizanthe leptotheca, staticoides and xanti.
16 May 2015 added google earth view of cactus spring trail to its guide; added checklist version of pct north of sr74; added pct section b6, sr74 to fobes trail junction.
15 May 2015 added labeled pix of the view of the borrego desert region to the pct south of sr74 page.
14 May 2015 added voucher map distribution of mimulus bigelovii and fremontii for vouchers above 6000 feet; updated pct south of sr74 from 5/11/15 fieldwork, as well as from dave's 9/16/13 fieldwork.
13 May 2015 updated "notes on scientific names used at this site" to give philosophy of retaining the print edition jm2 names.
10 May 2015 updated plant trail guide to pct south of sr74 from 5/14/09 fieldwork; updated plant trail guide to pct north of sr74 from 5/6/15 field work, and from additional kirk anderson species.
5 May 2015 updated plant trail guide to pct north of sr74 from 6/10/09 fieldwork and kirk anderson's fieldwork on 6/14/11; updated puma reserve flora from michael charters trip on 5/1/15, and to resolve the mimulus bigelovii / fremontii determination.
4 May 2015 updated page on distinguishing mimulus fremontii and m. bigelovii to discuss the stigma, and to add more photographs of what's happening at the nodes.
3 May 2015 added page on distinguishing mimulus fremontii and m. bigelovii.
29 April 2015 updated flora of puma canyon ecological reserve from 4/16/15 fieldwork.
24 April 2015 added links to san elijo lagoon flora by angelique herman, and Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve - Black Mtn. (Keir Morse and Angelique Herman), in floras.
20 April 2015 updated vallecito hills area flora to remove lycium brevipes.
19 April 2015 added flora of puma canyon ecological reserve, from field work on 4/14/15, vouchers, and the cnps plant list of 5/22/10.
13 April 2015 added updated print versions of jct sr138 and 18 area flora.
11 April 2015 updated flora of s2 mile 0 to 5 from 4/8/15 fieldwork.
10 April 2015 added page on acmispon glaber and a. haydonii.
29 March 2015 added plant trail guide for pct south of s22 / barrel springs, and updated area flora for it, from the 2/10/15 fieldwork.
28 March 2015 added plant trail guide for pct north of scissors crossing.
23 March 2015 updated flora of mountain springs grade, from fieldwork on 3/20/15 and three other trips by Karyn Sauber.
19 March 2015 updated flora of gird valley preserve, fallbrook, from work on 16 March 2015.
14 March 2015 added flora of gird valley preserve, fallbrook, from initial survey on 12 March 2015.
11 March 2015 updated culp valley area flora with results from 3/8/15 survey of the pinyon ridge area south of the first drainage on the wilson trail.
7 March 2015 updated culp valley area flora with results from 2/15/15 pena spring survey.
3 March 2015 corrected column header info for carrizo creek, thanks to input from carla Hoegen.
2 March 2015 a few updates to page on Some Information About Vouchers; added flora of borrego springs desert floor area
1 March 2015 completed page on Some Information About Vouchers.
28 February 2015 added incomplete page on Some Information About Vouchers.
18 February 2015 added pct flora for b10, snow creek road to i-10, from rt and shaun hawke.
17 February 2015 added page on ribes quercetorum study of glabrous and hairy plants.
13 February 2015 added page on cheilanthes covillei and clevelandii.
9 February 2015 added pct a9c (s22 south to high point) trail order and family order flora.
21 January 2015 updated collins valley flora from 11/29/13 field work.
17 January 2015 added labeled pix of ribes flower showing the parts, to the ribes lasianthum / ribes velutinum page; updated geology page of pct c2 cottonwood trailhead to whitewater canyon.
16 January 2015 updated geology page of pct c2 cottonwood trailhead to whitewater canyon.
15 January 2015 added geology page of pct c2 cottonwood trailhead to whitewater canyon from rt hawke.
12 January 2015 added flora of pct c2 cottonwood trailhead to whitewater canyon; made new standard c section main page; updated flora of elephant tree area from 2/21/13 fieldwork.
11 January 2015 updated page on eriodictyon species to give literature info; added new page on atriplex canescens varieties.
10 January 2015 added page on eriodictyon species.
6 January 2015 updated flora of The Narrows, from the 1/3/15 fieldwork; finished work on pct a8b flora, so section a8 is now done.
4 January 2015 updated the number of occurrences in our database, mentioned in the search page, thanks to a suggestion by kate harper.
2 January 2015 added pct a8 and a8a flora; still need to update a8b flora.
29 December 2014 updated flora of the narrows from fieldwork on 12/28/14.
27 December 2014 added combined rectified native flora of pct segments a1 to a7, and a partially-complete analysis page of that flora.
26 December 2014 updated yaqui pass flora from 12/23/14 fieldwork; added flora of yaqui ridge.
21 December 2014 added flora of fish creek mountains, from 12/19/14 survey and vouchers.
18 December 2014 finished pct a7 pages.
17 December 2014 updated flora of borrego badlands from fieldwork on 12/15/14, and from digitizing gps points from all past surveys. added map of all gps points in this area.
16 December 2014 updated mileage and elevation gain for PCT a6.
14 December 2014 updated borrego badland flora after reviewing the previous fieldwork; updated mileage and elevation gain for PCT a5.
12 December 2014 updated borrego badland flora from 12/10/14 fieldwork.
9 December 2014 finished pct a6 pages.
8 December 2014 added flora of yaqui pass area, from fieldwork on 2/15/13, 3/10/13 (previously in glorietta canyon flora) and from 12/3/10 and 12/5/14 (newly-processed surveys).
4 December 2014 added elevation plots, better maps, to PCT A1 and A2, along with more mileage and elevation gain info.
2 December 2014 updated flora of lizard canyon to remove the "ephedra californica?", which turned out to be an ephedra nevadensis with an occasional node with 3 lvs; updated mtn spring grade flora to remove potentilla rimicola.
1 December 2014 added flora of lizard canyon, from 11/30/14 fieldwork and from vouchers.
29 November 2014 finished the PCT A8 page.
28 November 2014 added plant trail guide to pct south of s2 to granite mtn, and area flora format, linked from an incomplete PCT A8 page.
25 November 2014 updated jeffrey ponderosa pine page to add butterscotch to the smell, and make the ponderosa summary more complete.
23 November 2014 added flora of foot and walker pass to crime canyon area, from 11/22/14 fieldwork and 10/11/13 fieldwork.
21 November 2014 updated borrego badlands flora to toss species with vouchers only just outside the area; added table of most common species not seen; and improved the format; updated mountain springs grade flora with results from 11/17/14 fieldtrip.
20 November 2014 updated borrego badlands flora to include keir morse updates from 11/15/14; the two surveys of arroyo salado loop; the later survey of ella wash; and the beckman wash survey; a voucher search done on 11/30/13; and to put it in JM2 format.
18 November 2014 removed pct intro part from section C.
16 November 2014 added pct a4 complete flora.
14 November 2014 updated webpage for flora of mtn springs with collector information, listed the orcutt vouchers with a ?, and added a column for the observations.
14 November 2014 added flora of mountain springs grade from vouchers and observations by rebman and crouse.
11 November 2014 added pct a3 complete flora; added link to pct flora from main trail guide page.
9 November 2014 updated sawmill flora to make ponderosa a 99.
8 November 2014 added google earth view of ponderosa and jeffrey distribution in dark canyon area; added link to seinet for potentilla rimicola in SnJt endemics and corrected spelling; corrected location for PCT tunnel on PCT main page.
7 November 2014 updated distribution of ponderosa and jeffrey pine at SnJt from 11/7/14 fieldwork.
6 November 2014 updated flora of pct A1 from 11/3/14 fieldwork.
2 November 2014 added complete webpage and lists for PCT A1 and A2.
1 November 2014 added full intro for PCT Section A.
31 October 2014 added potentilla rimicola, Arctostaphylos parryana ssp. desertica, and Euonymus occidentalis var. parishii to the SnJt near endemics; updated pinus jeffrey ponderosa page to add cone shape, and a couple of caveats, one on the color difference within jeffreys, and that some trees try to fool you; updated SnGb endemic page with several additions from dick swinney; added ABDSP endemic species.
30 October 2014 updated the 2007 SnJt pinus ponderosa / jeffrey pages to link to the 2014 main page on these species, and updated information on those pages to reflect my current knowledge.
27 October 2014 updated SnJt endemic page.
27 October 2014 updated ponderosa / jeffrey pine distribution at SnJt from survey on 10/25/14.
24 October 2014 added seed wing to seed length to pinus jeffrey / ponderosa page.
23 October 2014 updated pinus jeffreyi / ponderosa page with three figures illustrating the main differences, updated tables 1 and 2 with latest findings, added section on Haller's results, along with a number of other changes.
22 October 2014 added flora of antelope valley poppy reserve.
16 October 2014 added pages on endemics of SnJt and SnGb.
15 October 2014 updated page on jeffrey and ponderosa to correct typo in which species has resinous buds, noted by mike crouse.
9 October 2014 added page on jeffrey and ponderosa cone lengths.
8 October 2014 revised pine analysis page to make it much more palatable to non-mathematical readers, thanks to comments by jane strong. added fig. 1 showing the cone spirals from the top.
7 October 2014 minor updates to pine analysis page; created new page on the cone scale arrangement for ponderosa / jeffrey, showing the spiral rows in the closed cone for a small jeffrey cone.
4 October 2014 update to table 1, adding some info from haller and vivrette, and from farjon, the latter thanks to rudi schmid; added pictures for needle color, and of vegetative buds.
3 October 2014 added table 1 to ponderosa / jeffreyi page, giving characteristics with estimated reliability and comments.
2 October 2014 added page just giving distinguishing characteristics of jeffrey and ponderosa pines, and put in the first two characteristics, a histogram of measured cone lengths, and a page showing the bark chip colors.
28 September 2014 updated garner valley flora with results from latest surveys; cleaned it of species present in addition to subspecies to shorten it.
27 September 2014 updated pct d6 page with minor correction, and corrected calflora list to fix the incorrect taxon, and add the two mentzelia species.
25 September 2014 updated flora of sawmill road / stone creek trail from 9/21/14 fieldwork; updated map of ponderosa pine distribution at SnJt since it was somehow missing two points; added main pct d6 page and calflora list.
24 September 2014 corrected error in placing the non-native asterisk in the baden-powell plant trail guide; added the vouchered agrostis exarata to lamel spring; added link to flora in family order, and added link to the plant trail guide from that flora; updated 2 needle pine page; updated distribution of pinus ponderosa and pinus jeffreyi at SnJt.
20 September 2014 updated the flora of blue ridge trail / big pines from vouchers without coordinates; from sorting the vouchers into various localities; and from fieldwork done on the blue ridge trail on 16 September 2014; updated flora of pct d6 from latest two surveys of mt. baden-powell section.
15 September 2014 updated the mt baden powell trail guide from the 9/12/14 fieldwork, including the histogram of Number of Unique Taxa On This Trail. updated the explanation of plant trail guides. added flora of blue ridge trail / big pines from vouchers with coordinates.
11 September 2014 a few updates to the mt baden powell guide, including putting it in jm2 format.
10 September 2014 updated mt baden powell guide from field work on 9/7/14.
6 September 2014 updated mt baden powell guide from field work on 9/3/04, 9/15/08, and work done by michael charters in 2013 and earlier, and work done by rt and shaun hawke in 2013.
5 September 2014 updated S2 mile 0 to 5 flora from 9/2/14 fieldwork.
2 September 2014 added print versions of S2 mile 0 to 5 flora.
1 September 2014 updated flora of sawmill road / stone creek trail area from fieldwork on 8/28/14. changed the name of the file to be more accurate.
27 August 2014 added flora of sawmill trail area of dark canyon, SnJt, from fieldwork on 8/23/14.
22 August 2014 added flora of section D6, segments a-d.
17 August 2014 added sections D6a to D6d only to Table 1 in D section; updated dawson saddle trail from fieldwork on 7/28/13; added flora of throop peak area.
16 August 2014 updated two links in floras, thanks to input from michael charters; removed all the erik blume links to floras, since they no longer work; added flora of s2 from mile marker 0.0 to 4.6.
15 August 2014 added clarification at the top of the flora index, and plant trail guide index, to let people know they may need to search the other page for a given trail or area.
2 August 2014 linked pct section c (SnBr) to main pct page, and added link for D5.
30 July 2014 updated flora of PCT D5 Mission Springs to Rainbow Road Area, San Bernardino Mountains from 7/22/14 fieldwork, and linked it from the main flora page.
29 July 2014 removed salix lutea from the cloudburst / buckhorn area flora, after andy sanders confirmed that the voucher was misdetermined; updated pct SnGb section D with links to latest floras for each section, and michael charters' latest photo galleries; added link to pct SnGb sections in trail guides.
25 July 2014 added voucher geographic distribution of eriogonum umbellatum varieties at SnGb.
21 July 2014 added flora of pct d4a area, from our survey on 7/18/14 and previous surveys by rt and shaun hawke, and by michael charters.
17 July 2014 added more info to page on geographic distribution of vouchers for cryptantha intermedia and varieties of c. muricata.
16 July 2014 added geographic distribution of vouchers for cryptantha intermedia and varieties of c. muricata.
13 July 2014 updated flora of Three Points to Cloudburst Summit Area from further work from the fieldwork on 10 July 2014; added flora of little rock creek road to three points from vouchers and michael charters fieldwork.
12 July 2014 added voucher flora of pct in sierra nevada blue lakes to carson pass.
11 July 2014 updated flora of Three Points to Cloudburst Summit Area from fieldwork on 10 July 2014; added pix of the nascent infl for Arctostaphylos parryana and A. patula to the SnGb manzanita page.
9 July 2014 updated flora of Cloudburst Summit, Cooper Canyon, Buckhorn Area, San Gabriel Mountains from 5 July 2014 fieldwork; added flora of Three Points to Cloudburst Summit Area.
4 July 2014 added flora of Cloudburst Summit, Cooper Canyon, Buckhorn Area, San Gabriel Mountains from vouchers and trail work by michael charters.
3 July 2014 updated flora of PCT in SnGb from Lightning Ridge to End of Blue Ridge / Guffy Road from 6/30/14 fieldwork, as well as including vouchers without coordinates.
29 June 2014 updated SnGb Plant Guide to PCT East of Blue Ridge Summit from 7/18/13 fieldwork; updated flora of PCT in SnGb from Lightning Ridge to End of Blue Ridge / Guffy Road.
27 June 2014 added flora of PCT in SnGb from Lightning Ridge to End of Blue Ridge / Guffy Road.
15 June 2014 added flora of PCT A5, from hawke field work in 2013 and additional field work on 6/12/14.
10 June 2014 added page on spiral of wood grain on trees at SnJt.
6 June 2014 changed authorship of incomplete draft page on calochortus davidsonianus / c. splendens s.s. to just myself, at ron parsons' request.
5 June 2014 added incomplete draft page on calochortus davidsonianus / c. splendens s.s., from me and ron parsons.
3 June 2014 updated page on calochortus species of SnJt to add table of all five species, with links to jm and calphotos, and a section on evolutionary relationship of the species.
2 June 2014 updated page on calochortus species of SnJt to add pictures of all five species.
31 May 2014 updated idyllwild flora with results from mountain center burn area survey.
26 May 2014 added page on calochortus species of SnJt.
24 May 2014 updated page on clarkia bottae and c. dudleyana with much better pix from charters and schusteff of the stigmas of c. dudleyana. added new discrimination character of ovary shape and ridging in flower and fruit.
22 May 2014 completed page on clarkia bottae and c. dudleyana. finally put the print versions of the idyllwild park flora online.
21 May 2014 added incomplete page on clarkia bottae and c. dudleyana.
19 May 2014 updated flora of mt. lowe area from 5/18/14 fieldwork.
17 May 2014 added flora of mt. lowe area, from vouchers and jane tirrell list.
13 May 2014 added vouchers to flora of pct d5 inspiration point to vincent gap.
11 May 2014 added flora of pct d5 inspiration point to vincent gap.
8 May 2014 updated flora of idyllwild area to include results of 5S10 survey, and latest updates to other areas.
4 May 2014 updated flora of jct 138 / 18 area to include all fieldwork, and to add a photo and maps to the page.
1 May 2014 added page on cryptantha similis, giving its differences from c. micrantha lepida.
28 April 2014 added page on gilias of san jacinto, with pix of three of our species.
27 April 2014 finally added comment to color variant page about it would be easier to list species that do NOT have a color variant.
24 April 2014 updated flora of elizabeth lake area from survey on 4/21/14.
20 April 2014 added voucher flora of elizabeth lake area
19 April 2014 added page on lomatium dasycarpum and l. mohavense.
11 April 2014 updated granite mountain flora from fieldwork on 3/25/14, and from fred and carla's observation of Phacelia affinis; corrected flora of bobs gap and sr138 / 18 area to change androstephium to muilla coronata.
8 April 2014 updated flora of bobs gap area to include results of the 4/7/14 survey.
2 April 2014 added page on phacelia distans and p. tanacetifolia; added flora of bobs gap area.
1 April 2014 updated fire follower list; updated flora of jct sr138/18 area in DMoj with results of 3/29/14 survey.
28 March 2014 added one version of the checklist for PCT Section D2, Lone Pine Canyon Road to 3N29; added voucher flora of jct sr138/18 area in DMoj.
27 March 2014 updated link to devils punchbowl flora.
24 March 2014 added flora of all of granite mountain, including the hawke pct flora and vouchers from the other sides.
18 March 2014 added pct flora of D1, I-15 to Lone Pine Canyon Road, from vouchers and from rt and shaun hawke, and michael charters, fieldwork.
14 March 2014 added pct flora of B3, warner springs to chihuahua road, from vouchers and from rt and shaun hawke trail survey on 4 and 6 march 2014.
11 March 2014 updated flora of se granite mtn to include cool canyon survey on 3/7/14.
5 March 2014 added flora of se granite mtn, including latest hornblende canyon flora.
1 March 2014 added flora of hornblende canyon, list made from kate's memory, from a small number of vouchers, and from carla's pix.
22 February 2014 updated two links on "pinus edulis" page to earle's pages, thanks to kate harper noticing the links no longer worked.
14 February 2014 updated flora of mescal bajada area to include fieldwork in nolina canyon on 2/11/14
10 February 2014 updated flora of mescal bajada area to include fieldwork in bighorn canyon on 2/7/14; added caution about populations with fewer than 20 plants in rarest species page.
9 February 2014 added link to main borrego desert page in analysis page section of main plants page.
6 February 2014 updated flora of mescal bajada area to include mine canyon and pinyon canyon fieldwork from 27 January, 4 March, 20 May, and 22 November 2011, and 4 February 2014.
4 February 2014 added flora of the narrows area, from vouchers and from the 2/2/14 fieldwork.
1 February 2014 updated flora of culp valley to include fieldwork on 1/28/14 and 11/1/13, and finally put the authors in correctly.
25 January 2014 updated flora of whale peak area to include fieldwork on 1/23/14.
22 January 2014 updated flora of whale peak area to include fieldwork on 1/19/14. fixed bad link in page giving boilerplate on checklist order and links. updated the hawke pct pages with six changes to the presentation.
18 January 2014 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from fieldwork on 1/15/14.
14 January 2014 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from fieldwork on 1/11/14.
8 January 2014 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from keir morse's fabulous fieldwork on 1/7/14.
7 January 2014 updated oracle oak page to include dave's survey of gated dirt road north of 5S09.
6 January 2014 updated oracle oak page to include dave's survey of 4S05.
6 January 2014 updated flora of whale peak area, to include fieldwork on 11/15/13, and to strip out the smuggler "pinyon mountain" vouchers that are not possibly from whale peak.
5 January 2014 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from fieldwork on 1/2/14.
2 January 2014 put online the first page of the rt and shaun hawke flora of the pct, segment D7.
1 January 2014 updated oracle oak page to include dave's survey of 5S09.
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Copyright © 2001-2014 by Tom Chester and Jane Strong.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester | Jane Strong
Last Update: see top entry above.