30 December 2013 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from fieldwork on 12/27/13.
29 December 2013 updated oracle oak page to include plants found on emax and deer springs trail.
25 December 2013 updated flora of smuggler canyon area to include the gander et al 1931 vouchers from "pinyon mountain". updated oracle oak page at SnJt site to give areas where surveys have been done for oracle oaks and they have NOT been seen; added photograph of oracle leaf variation.
22 December 2013 two minor changes to flora of harper canyon, adding var. for allionia and question mark on orobanche.
21 December 2013 updated flora of harper canyon from 12/20/13 trip.
19 December 2013 updated oracle oak page at SnJt site to include table of observations, the origin of the name, and to clean it up to make a finished webpage.
17 December 2013 updated oracle oak page at SnJt site to give latest geographic plot of all known locations and histogram of elevations.
16 December 2013 updated flora of smuggler canyon area from fieldwork on 12/15/13; removed three vouchered species from list.
14 December 2013 added flora of smuggler canyon area from vouchers and from our fieldwork in surrounding areas.
13 December 2013 updated hellhole canyon flora on its sole page.
10 December 2013 updated hellhole plant trail guide from 1/24/10 fieldwork; made new flora of just hellhole canyon, with results from all fieldwork.
9 December 2013 updated henderson canyon flora from fieldwork on 12/6/13.
5 December 2013 updated print version and pdf version of henderson canyon flora, which i failed to do on 1/16/13.
4 December 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon area from fieldwork on 12/1/13, and with pix of the flood changes from 1 December 2013.
28 November 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon / yaqui pass area, from fieldwork on 27 November 2013, and added section on the flash flood event.
26 November 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon / yaqui pass area, from fieldwork on 5 and 10 March 2013.
23 November 2013 updated flora of collins valley, from fieldwork on 4/16/10 and 11/21/13.
20 November 2013 added flora of collins valley, from fieldwork in late 2009 and early 2010.
14 November 2013 updated flora of upper tubb canyon / big spring to change pentagramma to notholaena, and hirschfeldia to brassica tournefortii.
13 November 2013 updated flora of whale peak area from 11/10/13 fieldwork.
8 November 2013 updated flora of whale peak area from 4/23/12 fieldwork.
8 November 2013 updated flora of upper tubb canyon / big spring from 11/5/13 fieldwork.
31 October 2013 updated flora of culp valley from 10/27/13 fieldwork, and added map of subareas. i rectified the 11/1/13 data to remove species from the jasper trail area and properly put them in the old culp road area. i removed some species found only on the california riding and hiking trail below about 3000 feet.
26 October 2013 updated flora of culp valley from 10/22/13 fieldwork, and from some of the fieldwork on 3/14/13 and 4/18/13.
21 October 2013 updated flora of culp valley from 5/4/12 and 10/15/13 fieldwork.
14 October 2013 updated sb / fish creek plant trail guide, and flora of fish creek area, from 7/2/13 fieldwork.
10 October 2013 updated round valley meadow deposits page with comments from doug.
6 October 2013 linked pages on Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. consimilis and mohavensis and on Geographic Distribution of Arctostaphylos glandulosa subspecies in SnGb from vouchers.
13 September 2013 put online page on Stream Bank Deposits in Round Valley Meadow, linked from the flora of round valley et al page.
22 August 2013 updated flora of table mountain, SnGb, by adding vouchers from nearby areas to make the list more complete.
21 August 2013 added flora of table mountain, SnGb, from vouchers.
12 August 2013 updates to flora of round and tamarack valleys, including one more species, carex heteroneura that i shouldn't have previously deleted, some additional clarification in the text, and much better abundance numbers from using the gps points database for both valleys. i also deleted the 2008 checklist in the "introduction" page, and made that page just an introduction.
11 August 2013 updated flora of round and tamarack valleys from 8/8/13 fieldwork, including a critical review of species from previous surveys and from vouchers; linked it separately from the main flora page, along with the long valley flora, clarifying where the latest version of the round, tamarack and long valley flora could be found.
15 July 2013 added page on ribes velutinum plants at lightning ridge, SnGb, rejecting a ribes lasianthum determination for them.
6 July 2013 updated plant trail guide, and flora page, to 7 pines trail at SnJt from 9/21/11 observations.
1 July 2013 added more info in flora of SnJt peak above 10,000 feet elevation; added plant checklist for fish creek and upper fish creek trail, from the plant trail guides (from 2004) and from vouchers.
30 June 2013 updated flora of SnJt peak above 10,000 feet elevation.
26 June 2013 updated flora of SnJt peak above 10,000 feet elevation.
21 June 2013 added flora of devils backbone trail, SnGb, mostly from vouchers.
7 June 2013 added results of our 6/1/13 cuyamaca peak survey to the flora of cuyamaca peak.
6 June 2013 updated page on heucheras of socal to correct attribution to denver botanic gardens, and to add that the pix was used with their permission.
5 June 2013 updated page on heucheras of socal to discuss h. parishii more, as a putative hybrd, and its leaf variations.
4 June 2013 updated page on heucheras of socal, adding table of species and plots of elevation vs. longitude and latitude.
3 June 2013 added page on heucheras of socal.
31 May 2013 added voucher flora of cuyamaca peak.
4 April 2013 finally linked the Mojave Desert Monsoonal Bloom in September 2012 flora.
28 March 2013 added print versions of carrizo creek area flora.
25 March 2013 updated sentenac canyon / upper san felipe wash flora with results of 1/8/13, 1/22/13, 1/22/13 and 3/1/13 fieldwork; updated plum canyon flora with results of 3/22/13 fieldwork.
16 March 2013 finally linked my list of fire followers from main plants page.
20 February 2013 updated flora of elephant tree natural area (Northeast Vallecito Mountains) from five days of fieldwork done between 3/4/2010 and 4/19/2010.
19 February 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon area from 2/11/13 and 2/15/13 fieldwork.
9 February 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon area from 2/5/13 fieldwork.
2 February 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon area from 2/1/13 fieldwork.
29 January 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon from 1/27/13 fieldwork and tossed one voucher species that was badly georeferenced.
25 January 2013 updated flora of glorietta canyon from 12/28/11 fieldwork and a new search for vouchers.
20 January 2013 added checklist for upper tubb canyon / big spring from 1/17/13 survey.
16 January 2013 updated henderson canyon checklist, and made a huge number of updates to the entire page, which is still not quite finished.
11 January 2013 updated henderson canyon checklist from the six fieldtrips made after the last time the page was updated. only the checklist was updated.
5 January 2013 added highest photosynthetic rate plant to plant facts, thanks to input from kate harper; added voucher checklist for sentenac canyon / upper san felipe wash.
3 January 2013 updated flora of plum canyon page to include results of the 1/2/13 survey.
1 January 2013 updated jm name notes page to discuss the conventions used for the scientific names (JM1 prior to 2012; JM2 post 2012); updated flora of plum canyon from 12/28/12 field trip, and from keir morse's photographs.
26 December 2012 updated flora of plum canyon page to include results of 12/21/12 survey, to correct three errors: to actually eliminate opuntia wolfii as promised, and to correct the jm2 names for menodora and bernardia; to make the links to the jm2 and to calphotos that didn't work point to links with info. added page on Notes on the Scientific Names Used At This Site.
23 December 2012 updated flora of plum canyon page to include a google earth view of plum canyon, with a discussion about the various routes one can take, inadvertently or not.
19 December 2012 updated flora of plum canyon page to include a photo of the "plums", a discussion of the origin of the name, and links to photos from others.
18 December 2012 updated flora of plum canyon page to include a discussion about whether the calyptridium parryi arizonicum could have been an introduction due to wagon traffic; added flora of sweeney pass area from 12/16/12 fieldwork and vouchers.
17 December 2012 updated flora of plum canyon page to include it being the type locality for nemacladus glandiliferus and prunus fremontii var. pilulata; minor formating change in botanical highlights; explicitly mentioned the two species found on the 12/24/10 survey; added this has the easternmost population of selaginella bigelovii in this area of sd county; added references for wagon wash route; pointed out the pristineness of the canyon.
15 December 2012 added flora of plum canyon, from fieldwork on 12/12/12 and from vouchers.
9 December 2012 finally updated cactus springs trail guide and flora to give the correct sarcostemma crispum id, and to correctly identify the first "linanthus floribundus hallii" plants on the trail as l. pungens, both thanks to jordan zylstra.
5 December 2012 added flora of pinyon flat area, from vouchers and from one pinyon trail survey on 11/25/12, and flora of white wash / horse creek / uppermost coyote canyon road from 10/29/09 and 12/2/12 surveys.
29 November 2012 updated idyllwild park flora from all surveys, and added lots of information to the webpage.
26 November 2012 updated strawberry creek gorge flora to change the sisymbrium orientale tentative determination to Barbarea orthoceras, thanks to Jane Strong and Andy Sanders.
21 November 2012 updated strawberry creek gorge flora to change the erroneous tentative determination of Rorippa curvisiliqua to a sisymbrium orientale tentative determination.
19 November 2012 added analysis page on Post-Fire Pure and Hybrid Offspring from planted Arctostaphylos glauca.
18 November 2012 updated SnJt poison oak page to include a better hall canyon elevation, from andy sanders; updated SnJt south ridge trail going down from all fieldwork, so both versions of the guide are now current. minor update to guide going up to reconcile mileages.
17 November 2012 updated SnJt poison oak page to include a better wangler position, and a new location from fuller mill creek; added much more text to flora of lake henshaw page, as well as one additional species.
16 November 2012 added flora of lake henshaw, from a quick search for vouchers, and cursory observations on a hiking trip on 15 November 12.
13 November 2012 added a new location for SnJt poison oak, along sr74 in south fork, from observation on 11/12/12.
10 November 2012 updated poison oak page to include histogram of voucher elevations; added a page for arctostaphylos pungens to provide a contrasting elevation histogram.
9 November 2012 added page on poison oak at SnJt, with many locations contributed by others.
4 November 2012 added links to michael charters' snjt field trip photo gallery pages to SnJt plant species page.
1 November 2012 updated south ridge trail, version starting at the bottom of the trail, from the 10/30/12 fieldwork. added checklist of species in family order for that trail.
29 October 2012 updated south ridge trail, version starting at the bottom of the trail, from the 5/27/09 and 5/22/11 fieldwork.
28 October 2012 corrected "arabis pulchra" in the ernie maxwell plant guide, checklist, and picture page, to Arabis sparsiflora var. californica; added dave as author on the picture page; linked that picture page from the SnJt species page.
24 October 2012 added pyrola picta to chimaphila page, and changed its url.
21 October 2012 added page of pix of chimaphila menziesii and c. umbellata, and linked it from young plants page as well; added explicit links from "main plants page / specific species" to snjt and borrego desert species pages.
11 October 2012 updated calif plant pix database for jay sullivan new url and new numbers, for michael charters new numbers of taxa, and to include lightner's third edition.
15 September 2012 updated wellman cienega flora to correct flat leaf juncus determination from j. phaeacaphalus to j. macrandrus.
30 August 2012 added plant trail guide to skyline trail, SnJt, from the top, from fieldwork in 2007.
16 August 2012 added latest version of tamarack, round and long valley flora, from fieldwork on 8/13/12.
12 August 2012 added latest version of tamarack, round and long valley flora, from fieldwork on 8/3/12.
2 August 2012 updated plant trail guide to tram sidewalk.
15 July 2012 updated devils slide plant trail guide and flora from fieldwork on 7/26/11, 9/30/11, and 6/8/12.
18 June 2012 added table with survey dates to laws loop plant trail guide, and farthest mile surveyed on each trip.
15 June 2012 updated laws loop plant trail guide from 7/31/11 fieldwork.
14 June 2012 added latest flora of Tamarack, Round and Long Valleys, with fieldwork after 8/16/08 up to and including the 6/12/12 fieldwork.
11 June 2012 updated round valley loop guide from 8/30/07, 6/25/08 and 5/2/12 fieldwork.
31 May 2012 updated garner valley flora page to give basic info on the checklist.
29 May 2012 updated garner valley flora to include kenworthy survey of 5/26/12, and to rectify some more of the species / subspecies.
25 May 2012 updated garner valley flora to include morris ranch road survey of 5/18/12, and to rectify some of the species / subspecies.
17 May 2012 updated garner valley flora to include zen center survey of 10/25/11.
7 May 2012 added flora of barrel springs / warner springs area, with rt's pct preliminary plant list.
3 May 2012 updated flora of culp valley (sans hellhole canyon), including results of wilson trail survey on 4/28/12.
27 April 2012 added flora of culp valley (sans hellhole canyon), including results of wilson trail survey on 11/30/11 and pena spring area on 4/19/11.
26 April 2012 added page on mentzelia albicaulis and m. montana, with lots of pix of the flower bracts.
25 April 2012 added pix of arabis pulchra var. gracilis to san jacinto page on arabis with non-erect fruit.
22 April 2012 updated whale peak flora from a new, more careful voucher search, and from fieldwork on 4/19/12.
7 April 2012 finally linked harford springs flora i put together for kay madore in 2009.
5 April 2012 updated rainbow canyon flora from the 3/24/12 fieldwork by us, and 3/31/12 fieldwork by rt and shaun hawke.
29 March 2012 updated this page to refer only to the laguna mtn checklist, sans the authors, per the author request.
26 March 2012 updated flora of north sawtooth and tierra blanca mountains, to include the 3/16/12 fieldwork in Agua Caliente Moonlight Canyon and the 3/12/12 fieldwork in Canyon 41. updated agua caliente page to remove the old flora given there and redirect to this flora.
23 March 2012 updated rainbow canyon flora with a few changes from work on a few species.
19 March 2012 updated fossil canyon flora to include surrounding areas.
11 March 2012 updated canyon 41 flora from 2/26/12 fieldwork and fieldwork from neighboring areas.
6 March 2012 updated palo verde canyon flora from 12/23/11 fieldwork; updated rattlesnake canyon flora to include that updated palo verde canyon flora; updated flora index page to link floras of north sawtooth and tierra blanca mtns and canyon 41; reorganized middle portion of ABDSP on that page to split it up into SR78 west to east, and S2 north to south corridors.
1 March 2012 updated moonlight canyon trail plant guide from 12/23/09 fieldwork; added flora of agua caliente park and northern sawtooth / tierra blanca mountains.
23 February 2012 updated google search box for tchester.org so it works again.
21 February 2012 added first part of master checklist for socal, lycopods and ferns; added print versions of vallecito hills flora.
20 February 2012 added vallecito hills checklist from 2/17/12 fieldwork, and from vouchers.
16 February 2012 added first jm2 flora, updating the checklist for bisnaga alta wash, which also now includes potrero canyon vouchers.
15 February 2012 updated checklist for bisnaga alta wash area from survey on 2/9/12, and included rainbow canyon species in it; linked rainbow canyon checklist from flora index.
7 February 2012 added checklist for bisnaga alta wash area from vouchers.
2 February 2012 added flora of lowermost oriflamme canyon from 1/30/12 survey.
29 January 2012 Added flora of mason valley area from vouchers.
25 January 2012 updated flora of idyllwild park to include 6/21/10 and 6/25/10 surveys, as well as later follow-up. however, only GPS locations are given in the current checklist.
24 January 2012 updated lycium page to extend ratio of corolla tube to calyx tube for l. fremontii and then to remove that as a discriminant between l. fremontii and l. parishii; added much more to l. torreyi note; added fossil canyon to distribution for l. fremontii and l. parishii.
17 January 2012 corrected number of brassica tournefortii in bloom for lowermost box canyon to 25, from 40.
13 January 2012 added print versions of updated flora of pct north of SR78 and red butte wash jtnp area.
12 January 2012 updated flora of pct north of SR78 from 1/10/12 survey.
9 January 2012 updated flora of pct north of SR78 from surveys of adjoining areas and added list of target species.
8 January 2012 updated flora of pct north of SR78 from 1/6/12 fieldwork and added list of species from nearby vouchers.
7 January 2012 added two pix at top of page from box canyon / mecca hills 1/2/12 trip.
5 January 2012 added checklist of species observed on pct north of scissors crossing, from 12/13/10 trip.
4 January 2012 updated flora of box canyon / mecca hills from 1/2/12 trip, including adding a list of species observed in bloom.
22 December 2011 updated flora of palo verde canyon by adding one species observed on 4/2/10, and added flora of nearby areas to its checklist.
21 December 2011 updated flora of rattlesnake canyon and surrounding area from 12/19/11 fieldwork, including more explanation on the page, and restricting the vouchers to be only up to coachwhip canyon, not including the palm wash vouchers.
20 December 2011 updated page on flora of san sebastion marsh to remove request for a copy of the convis paper, after Leslie Sokolow kindly sent us a copy.
18 December 2011 added flora of rattlesnake canyon and surrounding area from 12/15/11 fieldwork, including retrieving vouchers again for the se Santa Rosa Mountains.
14 December 2011 updated flora of villager peak area from 2/8/11 fieldwork.
9 December 2011 added print versions of Borrego Palm Canyon flora.
21 November 2011 updated flora of grapevine canyon to include results of the field survey on 11/15/11.
20 November 2011 added flora of queen mountain / quail mountain area in Joshua Tree National Park, from vouchers and from a hike (sans botanizing) on 11/18/11.
14 November 2011 added flora of grapevine canyon from vouchers, and included an updated flora of mescal bajada with that checklist. Updated flora of mescal bajada to include rebman's note about pellaea truncata. Added flora of lowermost tubb canyon from 11/11/11 survey.
2 November 2011 linked flora of garner valley, even though it is an incomplete webpage.
1 November 2011 added epilobium oregonense and montia chamissoi to SnJt similar-looking plants page; updated flora of Tahquitz valley meadows, and the analysis, from fieldwork on 10/30/11 in Tahquitz Meadow, and from reviewing past data collected in that meadow.
26 October 2011 minor english update to page on Tahquitz valley meadows.
24 October 2011 updated page on Tahquitz valley meadows, with a few more tidbits in the intro, with a few references.
23 October 2011 added new page on Tahquitz valley meadows, with the analysis taken from the skunk cabbage page, including updated flora of Tahquitz valley meadows from survey of reeds meadow on 10/21/11; updated analysis, with additional insights; and a new introduction to the Tahquitz valley meadows, including their formation and on-going destruction.
19 October 2011 major update to flora of little Tahquitz meadow from 10/17/11 survey, with some updates to the flora of Tahquitz meadow from 10/17/11, and one update to the flora of Skunk Cabbage Meadow that failed to be made on 10/16/11.
18 October 2011 added hemizonia mohavensis to hall online flora.
16 October 2011 updated flora of skunk cabbage meadow from 10/11/11 survey, and SnJt blooms to include data from 9/21, 9/26, 9/30 and 10/11/11. Added not-yet-finished page on Willows of SnJt.
12 October 2011 corrected flora of iron age mine area to remove the single plant in bloom of e. trichopes. Analysis showed it was a young plant of e. inflatum.
10 October 2011 added flora of iron age mine area, east of 29 palms, from 10/7/11 survey.
8 October 2011 updated flora of skunk cabbage meadow to add one more survey date.
6 October 2011 added flora of skunk cabbage meadow, which includes flora of the other major meadows in Tahquitz Valley.
2 October 2011 updated Dodecatheon alpinum page to remove uncertainty above the more unusual rosettes; added stellaria calycantha to the young rosettes of SnJt page.
29 September 2011 added flora of Tahquitz valley, with separate columns for Skunk Cabbage Meadow, Tahquitz Meadow, Wellman Cienega, Candys Creek, and Tahquitz and Willow Creeks.
25 September 2011 added pix of possible Dodecatheon alpinum rosettes to that page.
24 September 2011 added SnJt photo pages for Perideridia parishii, Dodecatheon alpinum, and Aster alpigenus, and added pix of their young leaves to the young rosette page.
22 September 2011 added some improvements to directions to trailhead to the 7 pines trail guide; added more extensive discussion to the online hall flora about glyceria elata.
20 September 2011 added directions to trailhead and a map to the 7 pines trail guide.
19 September 2011 updated 7 pines trail from 9/16/11 fieldwork and finally updated the text on the page; added separate page giving flora in family order; updated page url and links to it to eliminate the loop with the marion mtn trail.
17 September 2011 updated SnJt blooms to include data from 9/11 and 9/16/11.
15 September 2011 updated 7 Pines Trail from 7/13/10 fieldwork, eliminated the loop part of the guide with the Marion Mtn Trail, and included a link to the flora of this trail in family order.
5 September 2011 updated SnJt blooms to include data from 9/4/11.
3 September 2011 updated fuller ridge plant trail guide from 7/20/10 fieldwork.
2 September 2011 added one more species to the online hall flora of SnJt.
1 September 2011 updated Hall SnJt Flora to correct misspelling of Gilia.
30 August 2011 updated SnJt blooms to include data from 8/29/11.
17 August 2011 updated mustard comparison page with rebman's tip on bud hairiness to distinguish them, with pix, and link to mention of black mustard being very tell in bible; updated SnJt blooms to include data from 8/16/11, and to add an introduction to that page, and some examples of variability in the numbers in the table due to varying hike locations.
15 August 2011 updated SnJt blooms to include data from 8/12/11.
11 August 2011 updated SnJt blooms to include data from 7/11 through 8/7.
5 August 2011 added flora of fuller ridge area, from fieldwork and vouchers.
25 July 2011 updated abundance of lotus heermannii on devils slide trail in plant trail guide and flora; updated laws loop (willow creek trail section up to skunk cabbage junction) from 7/11/11 field work.
14 July 2011 added new page giving bloom status at snjt above 6500 feet elevation, and new page giving checklist for strawberry creek gorge, from the 6/8/11 fieldwork.
10 July 2011 updated devils slide plant trail guide and the checklist in family order from 7/6/11 fieldwork; updated laws loop plant trail guide from 7/6/11 fieldwork.
5 July 2011 updated devils slide plant trail guide and the checklist in family order from 7/1/11 fieldwork; updated laws loop plant trail guide from 7/28/09 fieldwork.
30 June 2011 updated devils slide plant trail guide from 6/20/08, 7/7/08, 5/31/11, 6/22/11, and 6/27/11 fieldwork, and added checklist in family order; fixed bad link to dominant species and their death rates, thanks to jane strong; added checklist in family order for pct to zen center guide.
26 June 2011 updated plant trail guide from pct to zen center from 6/22/10 fieldwork, and extended guide to mile 2.88 from 7/16/07 fieldwork.
21 June 2011 updated plant trail guide from pct to zen center from 6/7/10 fieldwork, and extended guide to mile 2.5 from 7/16/07 fieldwork.
18 June 2011 updated url for james reserve plant list.
16 June 2011 added checklist for whiskey springs area of cushenbury canyon, SnBr, from vouchers and memory of 6/13/11 fieldtrip.
6 June 2011 added flora of whale peak / pinyon mountain road area, from vouchers and memory of 6/4/11 fieldtrip.
3 June 2011 added key to arabis species of SnJt with non-erect fruit, and remaining pix for a. pulchra and a. repanda.
30 May 2011 added new page on arabis species of SnJt with non-erect fruit, giving results of PCA, and detailed pix of three species.
24 May 2011 added flora of black mtn trial, SnJt.
15 May 2011 added flora of walker pass area, sierra nevada; and flora of cactus flat road area, inyo county, both from vouchers.
2 May 2011 added preliminary flora of srp burn area.
18 April 2011 removed pix of "gilia capillaris" since it turns out that I misdetermined those plants, thanks to input from Leigh Johnson.
16 April 2011 added pix of gilia capillaris to gilias of San Diego County, and removed g. micromeria, since that voucher was a misdetermined G. diegensis. Added section on other species that have come and gone, and added some more comments in the intro.
11 April 2011 typo corrected in flora of palm canyon, and common names added for stipa capensis, thanks to input from jane strong.
10 April 2011 updated rest of the page of flora of palm, Tahquitz canyons et al, adding the introductory material, survey descriptions, dominant collectors, etc.
9 April 2011 updated just the checklist in the flora of palm, Tahquitz canyons et al from field work on 4/6/11.
8 April 2011 added gilias of lowermost Tahquitz canyon.
2 April 2011 clarified title of table 4, and added explanation of why island floras are also depauperate, to flora of borrego mtn, both thanks to comments by jane strong.
1 April 2011 added flora of borrego mtn.
30 March 2011 updated minimum estimate for lupinus concinnus # plants in harper canyon from 10 to 1, after realizing that we had probably misidentified baby plants with just a leaf or two of l. arizonicus as l. concinnus.
29 March 2011 finally corrected id of the rosettes at mile 0.88 of the devils slide trail to arabis major.
27 March 2011 added link to fantastic Santa Monica Mountains page giving full information on 970 species, in California Plant Pictures and Databases file.
updated flora of mecca hills to include results of the 3/23/11 fieldwork, and expanded the info on that page to include details on the vouchers.
25 March 2011 added page showing the nemacladus species of box canyon in the mecca hills and giving our findings on these plants from a field survey on 23 March 2011.
22 March 2011 added flora of harper canyon and voucher flora of mecca hills.
20 March 2011 added page on pectocarya heterocarpa and peninsularis.
17 March 2011 finally did first pass at loeseliastrum analysis, and put analysis page online.
15 March 2011 updated gilias of San Diego County by adding pix of g. ochroleuca exilis, g. australis, and better pix of g. diegensis and g. stellata.
12 March 2011 updated pdf versions of CA riding and hiking plant trail guides, since the previous versions had erroneously included the html mark up commands.
3 March 2011 updated flora of fossil canyon, imperial county, to add observation of nemacladus glanduliferus, and to change "o. ganderi" to "O. wolfii or O. ganderi", since its id was not certain.
27 February 2011 added amsinckia tessellata to the glorietta canyon flora, thanks to a pix from bill sullivan.
26 February 2011 updated flora of glorietta canyon to include comments from bill sullivan and jane strong, as well as a few additional updates from the 3/15/09 botanical report; added comment that both black mustard and shortpod mustard are non-natives, in webpage on how to tell the difference.
25 February 2011 updated flora of glorietta canyon to include the 2/22/11 fieldwork, and the final results of the 3/15/09 fieldwork.
24 February 2011 updated flora of little surprise canyon to correct nemacladus determination and to add krameria erecta.
21 February 2011 updated flora of palo verde canyon from 2/18/11 fieldwork and removed some of the vouchers which were actually south of S22; put draft flora of glorietta canyon online from 3/15/09 and 3/23/09 fieldwork.
17 February 2011 updated flora of palo verde canyon from 4/9/08 fieldwork and new voucher search for just that area.
16 February 2011 added flora of fossil canyon, imperial county, from 12/23/10 and 2/13/11 surveys, and vouchers, and added link to it from the ocotillo / coyote mtns flora.
12 February 2011 deleted Eschscholzia glyptosperma in Santa Rosa Mountains Flora on 12 February 2011, since it turned out to be E. parishii as it produced more flowers.
11 February 2011 updated plant trail guide for villager peak trail from 2/8/11 field work.
7 February 2011 updated flora of san sebastian marsh to correct lycium determination, from l. brevipes to l. fremontii; updated plant trail guide for villager peak trail from 3/25/08 and 12/17/10; added flora for that trail and area.
2 February 2011 added flora of san sebastian marsh, from our 1/31/11 survey and from vouchers.
26 January 2011 added voucher flora of mescal bajada.
4 January 2011 added shortest names in our database to facts, along with longest and shortest name in the Plant List of the world.
31 December 2010 added vouchers to flora of iron mountain, poway, and put that flora online at my site, still linking the version at wayne armstrong's site.
28 December 2010 updated lycium page to extend ratio of corolla tube to calyx tube for l. fremontii from 2.0-2.5 x to 2.0 to 3.4 x, and to add the calyx lobes to distinguish it from l. parishii.
22 December 2010 added voucher flora of ocotillo / south coyote mountains area.
21 December 2010 added link to page for anza-borrego desert state park blooms for 2010-2011; redid links to those pages slightly, and moved down link to botanical trip reports.
12 December 2010 added voucher flora of san felipe valley; corrected guessed-at id of "o. wolfii" in ne vallecito mtns to o. ganderi.
6 December 2010 added prosopis glandulosa as one of the world's 100 worst weeds outside its native range, to plant facts.
5 December 2010 added clickbook version of SMR plant trail guide.
21 November 2010 added two pix to flora of lower palm et al canyons.
20 November 2010 added flora of lower palm, andreas, murray and Tahquitz canyons.
14 November 2010 james dillane updated his flora of calavera.
10 November 2010 james dillane added Comarostaphylis diversifolia ssp. diversifolia to the list of sensitive species in the introduction.
8 November 2010 added james dillane's flora of calavera; added michael fugate's data to stephanomeria exigua analysis page.
26 October 2010 updated flora of new dixie mine road area to include identifications of pix; print versions; and panos from two different spots.
25 October 2010 updated flora of new dixie mine road area, making the webpage much more complete, updating the checklist with a few changes, and adding some pix.
23 October 2010 added flora of new dixie mine road area, from vouchers and from fieldwork on 10/22/10.
15 October 2010 updated flora of wellman cienega, from 12 October 2010 fieldwork and adding print versions.
30 September 2010 corrected typo for Rutaceae family, from "Bedstraw Family" to "Rue Family", in Torrey Pines flora and muns plant list, thanks to input from John Hacklander.
20 September 2010 minor correction to SnJt Carex key to specify lateral spikelet length for C. heteroneura and C. fracta, and to change 25 mm min length for C. senta to 24 mm.
17 September 2010 linked flora of marion mtn trail to deer springs camp area, which was originally made on 27 June 2010.
13 September 2010 added flora of wellman cienega, from 7/11/08, 9/3/10, and 9/10/10 fieldwork.
11 September 2010 added nemophila spatulata to hall's online flora.
9 September 2010 updated round valley plant trail guide from 8/4/10 field work.
28 August 2010 updated deer springs guide to remove unk like pyrola, and to remove uncertainty on Euonymus.
18 August 2010 added voucher flora for SN immediately northwest of Lee Vining.
17 August 2010 added pdf version of bob muns' Plant Identification: Collection of Basic Information Sheets, kindly supplied by Aaron Sims.
13 August 2010 added page on similar-looking young rosettes at SnJt; started adding Dave Stith as an author to all the SnJt pages.
5 August 2010 added five more species to the online hall flora of SnJt.
3 August 2010 updated plant trail guide for wellman divide to san jacinto peak, from the 7/3/08 and 7/15/08 fieldwork, and plant trail guide for tram to wellman divide, from the fieldwork on 8/21/07, 6/29/08, 7/11/08, and 8/1/08.
29 July 2010 updated dark canyon flora page to include all the results from the surveys of fuller ridge, 7 pines, marion mtn, pct / deer springs through deer springs camp, and deer springs up to just below little round valley.
19 July 2010 made full version of fuller ridge plant trail guide, from field work on 9/19/08, and linked it.
15 July 2010 linked draft dark canyon flora page; added the four orchid species hall found to his online flora.
11 July 2010 added analysis page on potentilla glandulosa subspecies, and the changes made in shifting these to drymocallis; added SnJt page on the subspecies found there, including a plot of all voucher locations in riverside county.
19 June 2010 added first draft flora of Idyllwild park, and voucher flora of Idyllwild area.
6 June 2010 updated pct from little Tahquitz trail to zen plant trail guide, up to mile 1.70, from 7/16/07 and 8/2/07 fieldwork; linked incomplete page on features needed for lupine id.
20 May 2010 updated deer springs trail guide at SnJt from 1 June 2009 fieldwork.
10 April 2010 corrected typo in banning area flora, in which I had the column headers reversed for whitewater and "west of whitewater".
31 March 2010 added analysis page on cryptantha intermedia, c. barbigera vars. fergusoniae and barbigera, from whitewater canyon and elsewhere.
22 March 2010 added updated flora of whitewater creek including survey results of 3/18/10.
17 March 2010 added print versions of whitewater creek flora.
27 February 2010 added voucher flora of palm wash area in extreme northwest imperial county; added voucher flora of mission creek area east of whitewater canyon for the bioblitz of whitewater canyon.
26 February 2010 updated plant trail guide to the alcoholic pass trail from the 2/23/10 fieldwork.
22 February 2010 updated whitewater canyon checklist to include vouchers from san bernardino county portion, and to include michael charters survey; updated plant trail guide to the alcoholic pass trail from the 3/21/08 fieldwork.
20 February 2010 added checklist for Banning, Cabazon, Morongo Indian Reservation, Snow Creek, Whitewater River Canyon area, San Bernardino Mountains from vouchers.
8 February 2010 updated borrego palm canyon plant trail guide from 1/28/10 fieldwork.
23 January 2010 added first draft of Whitewater River Canyon area flora.
22 January 2010 corrected family column in culp / hellhole flora, thanks to the sharp eyes of RT Hawke and Mel Sweet; added link to flora of culp / hellhole at beginning of plant trail guide for hellhole canyon and the California riding and hiking trail guides.
21 January 2010 added # of family name abbreviation duplicates to that page; added link to that page from borrego badlands, clark valley, and culp valley floras; made substantial text updates to the webpage on flora of hellhole canyon and culp valley; updated hellhole canyon plant trail guide from 1/7 and 1/15/10 fieldwork.
20 January 2010 added flora of hellhole canyon and culp valley.
18 January 2010 added largest plant by mass, size of bracken fern clones, and lifetime of a mistreated opuntia bigelovii to facts.
9 January 2010 added links to haworth's pix of Santa Rosa Plateau plants and to snyder's Fallbrook Santa Margarita River area plants.
6 January 2010 updated plant trail guide to California riding and hiking trail from the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park visitor center to culp valley, from the 12/31/09 fieldwork for the lower half, and from culp valley to the visitor center, from the 1/3/10 fieldwork for the upper half and 2/6/06 fieldwork for the lower half.
29 December 2009 updated plant trail guide to California riding and hiking trail from the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park visitor center to culp valley, from the 2/6/06 fieldwork.
29 December 2009 updated flora of northeast vallecito mountains to include results from the 12/27/09 survey and add some photos.
22 December 2009 added first draft flora of agua caliente county park area.
18 December 2009 updated flora of northeast vallecito mountains to include results from the 12/15/09 survey, to give rebman's list explicitly, and to add some user-friendly links for the column headers.
corrected family name error in table titled Rejected Taxa That Do Not Occur In San Diego County in 1985 Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Anza-Borrego Desert, thanks to Rich Schilk.14 December 2009 corrected Font's Point to Fonts Point in five files, thanks to input from Bill Sullivan after I had given him the same correction for one of his pages!
13 December 2009 updated intro to flora of northeast vallecito mountains to define the floral area further in words and on the map, thanks to further suggestions by bill sullivan.
12 December 2009 updated flora of northeast vallecito mountains to include results from the 12/9/09 survey. I also defined the floral area more clearly with words, thanks to a suggestion by bill sullivan.
11 December 2009 added direct link to photo gallery of borrego desert plants in bloom in 2009-2010.
4 December 2009 updated voucher flora of northeast vallecito mountains to include results from the 12/1/09 survey.
30 November 2009 added voucher flora of northeast vallecito mountains.
27 November 2009 added link to 2009-2010 borrego blooms page.
18 November 2009 corrected typo in title of map showing distribution of arctostaphylos pringlei and a. pungens at SnJt.
16 November 2009 updated lycium key for sd county species to extend ratio of corolla tube to calyx tube from 5-7 to 4-7, and added pix of purple l. andersonii which also showed the shorter corolla tube.
9 November 2009 added key to high elevation carex species of SnJt; added first part of webpage discussing the species and giving a pictorial key to them.
7 November 2009 in the hall flora, added hall's carex and grass "deferment to others" for his ids.
2 November 2009 added voucher checklist of vivian creek in San Bernardino Mountains.
1 November 2009 added checklist of rattlesnake canyon, poway, from a survey made on 5/9/090.
27 October 2009 minor update to flora of Tahquitz and willow creeks.
25 October 2009 added some revisions to flora of Tahquitz and willow creeks.
11 October 2009 added flora for cahuilla mountain area from vouchers; this accidentally added a link to the draft flora of Tahquitz and willow creeks as well.
13 September 2009 corrected typo in spelling of fabaceae in SnJt Hall flora, thanks to jane strong; added links to each section of the hall flora; added two hypericum species.
1 September 2009 added rough draft page on high elevation SnJt grass species.
2 August 2009 added text for the riparian formation to hall's online SnJt flora.
27 July 2009 added checklist for Santa Rosa Mountains above 7800 feet.
6 July 2009 updated fobes trail from 7/2/09 fieldwork.
3 July 2009 added Anisocoma acaulis to Hall's online flora; updated count of taxa now online from hall's flora.
1 July 2009 updated fobes trail from 4/4/07 fieldwork.
25 June 2009 added map showing actual deer springs trail, and use trail from parking area.
9 June 2009 updated guide to pct north of sr74 from 4/19/09 fieldwork (some work still not incorporated).
8 June 2009 updated list of trips in botanical reports, but unfortunately didn't add any new reports online; added link in flora index to ernie maxwell checklist.
4 June 2009 updated guide to ernie maxwell trail from 5/22/09 fieldwork; added plant checklist in family order for it; and added page of pix from 5/22/09.
31 May 2009 updated guide to deer springs trail from 4/30/07 and 10/18/07 fieldwork.
26 May 2009 updated guide to south ridge trail from 6/25/07 fieldwork.
21 May 2009 updated guide to ernie maxwell trail from 6/17/08 fieldwork.
13 May 2009 updated guide to pct south of SR74 from 11/22/08 fieldwork.
3 April 2009 removed gilia transmontana from borrego palm canyon plant trail guide, bpc flora, and henderson canyon flora. Those were misdeterminations.
2 April 2009 added pix of gilia caruifolia, cobwebby hairs of g. transmontana, and two pix showing a broad leaf rachis to gilia page for San Diego County.
5 March 2009 updated flora of little surprise canyon from 4/1/09 fieldwork.
1 March 2009 reformatted Table of Contents for San Diego County 2008 botanical reports to group dates together; updated flora of little surprise canyon, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, from fieldwork on 2/26/08 and 4/1/08.
14 February 2009 added 9 botanical trail reports from 7 january to 14 february 2009.
4 February 2009 added more to text on flora of butler and rockhouse canyons.
3 February 2009 added flora of butler and rockhouse canyons, in the borrego desert.
9 January 2009 added link to keeley 1997 in arctostaphylos pringlei nascent infl page, thanks to input from bob allen.
4 January 2009 added trip report from 1/2/09.
1 January 2009 added a few items to the last 5 botanical reports.
31 December 2008 added botanical reports from last 5 trips.
28 December 2008 updated flora of henderson canyon from 3/14/08 fieldwork, added more to intro, added print versions, and removed halford vouchers.
22 December 2008 added page on lycium species of the San Diego County desert.
17 December 2008 added labeled panorama of the Santa Rosa Mountains from clark lake; updated borrego desert blooms from 12/12/08 fieldwork.
16 December 2008 added borrego desert places: Clark Lake; added estimate of incompleteness for flora of clark valley due to unsurveyed areas; corrected entry for Mentzelia desertorum for Clark valley flora, thanks to James Dillane's input. The Mentzelia desertorum had Lycium brevipes inadvertently pasted over it.
15 December 2008 added flora of clark valley, including results of fieldwork on 9 and 12 December 2008.
11 December 2008 updated borrego desert blooms, also adding annual reports and info on what it takes for annual germination; linked to it from the main plants page and the San Diego County plants blooming page.
7 December 2008 updated badlands flora by including ella / vista del malpais checklist from 12/4/08 fieldwork; added map and more on that page; added botanical reports from 11/28 and 12/4; added page giving the list of species in bloom in the borrego desert so far.
2 December 2008 added note to botanical report from smoke tree canyon from 26 February 2008 that what we took to be Eschscholzia glyptosperma turned out to be young plants of E. parishii.
1 December 2008 added print versions of skyline trail; updated flora of smoke tree canyon to include flora of coachwhip canyon, by including results of a survey on 11/28/08.
27 November 2008 added print and pdf versions of smoke tree canyon flora in borrego desert.
20 November 2008 created initial plant trail guide to pct south of sr74 from 11/11/08 fieldwork.
10 November 2008 updated cedar spring plant trail guide from pct to cedar spring from fieldwork on 11/1/08 (only at immediate trailhead); updated plant trail guide to pct north of sr74 from 10/25/08 fieldwork.
9 November 2008 updated cedar spring plant trail guide (to pct) from fieldwork on 11/1/08.
7 November 2008 added an extensive page on arabis species of San Jacinto Mountains with non-erect fruit; updated arabis johnstonii page to correct how many arabis species have become boechera, thanks to input from an anonymous reader.
4 November 2008 updated arabis johnstonii page to include name changes and a. hirshbergiae.
3 November 2008 added juncus effusus and arabis johnstonii to SnJt species pages; reversed name of pages to have scientific name first, matching the index.
2 November 2008 created separate site and added first page giving pictures of san jacinto plants, for penstemon californicus.
30 October 2008 added plant guide to both parts of cedar spring trail, from trailhead to pct, and pct to cedar spring, from fieldwork on 10/28/08.
24 October 2008 added first plant given latin name in california to facts.
20 October 2008 updated srp bloom link on main page analysis links to refer to 2005 page instead of the 2002 page; added initial plant trail guide to PCT north of SR74.
2 October 2008 updated machaeranthera analysis to include three more plants from the San Bernardino Mountain sent by michael charters, as well as pictures provided by him.
1 October 2008 corrected typo for "SR74" caught by michael charters in machaeranthera page.
30 September 2008 added preliminary report giving the analysis of machaeranthera plants from sr371, sr74 and the Santa Rosa Mountain road.
26 September 2008 added dominant species of the pct from Tahquitz peak to marion ridge and their death rates; added pix of devils slide area taken from pct near marion ridge, to devils slide guide.
17 September 2008 added stacked histogram of # dead and live specimens versus elevation to dominant species of the devils slide trail, as suggested by anne kelly.
14 September 2008 fixed typo in column header for dead trees in dominant species of the devils slide trail, thanks to anne kelly.
12 September 2008 added note about dead ponderosa pines amidst the dead white firs in the first pix in the dead tree gallery, thanks to input from jane strong; fixed bad links at bottom of that page and dominant species on devils slide trail.
11 September 2008 added dominant species of the devils slide trail, their death rates, and dead tree gallery.
16 August 2008 updated preliminary flora of Tamarack, Round and Long Valleys to include the results of the last three surveys, and plant abundances from all surveys; added list sorted by abundance.
13 August 2008 added summary of current list for flora of Tamarack, Round and Long Valleys; put labeled pix of the valleys as the default displayed image.
4 August 2008 added preliminary flora of Tamarack, Round and Long Valleys
31 July 2008 added preliminary flora of Tahquitz and red Tahquitz peak area
16 July 2008 removed the laguna mountain checklist.
6 July 2008 added checklist for San Jacinto Peak.
2 July 2008 added Calyptridium monospermum to Hall's online flora.
28 June 2008 added flora of hidden lake from 6/25/08 fieldwork.
27 June 2008 added lilium parryi to hall's online flora.
23 June 2008 added dodecatheon alpinum to hall's online flora.
21 June 2008 added montia chamossoi, epilobium ciliatum two subspecies, and e. glaberrium to hall's online flora, and table of rough elevations for hall's life zones.
14 June 2008 updated margarita peak flora and webpage from 6/13/08 fieldwork.
7 June 2008 updated cactus spring trail plant guide from the 5/28/06 fieldwork, made all the rest of the updates from the 4/30/08 and 5/24/08 fieldwork, and updated the entire page. added checklist for the trail in traditional family order.
27 May 2008 updated cactus spring trail plant guide, with most of the results from the 5/24/08 fieldwork, and more results from the 4/30/08 fieldwork.
23 May 2008 updated cactus spring trail plant guide, with most of the results from the 4/30/08 fieldwork.
18 May 2008 added link to astragalus site from California db page.
27 April 2008 switched eastern SnGb flora link from the 2005 initial swinney flora to dick's new page.
12 March 2008 added analysis page phacelia minor with spots like p. parryi.
5 March 2008 added analysis page phacelia nashiana = p. campanularia^2.
1 March 2008 added botanical report and flora of smoke tree canyon from 2/26/08 fieldtrip; updated flora of se Santa Rosa Mountains to include results from four additional fieldtrips; created flora of palo verde canyon as a separate page.
28 February 2008 updated flora of palm wash / calcite mine area to change the baby plants I thought were "chaenactis carphoclinia" to "calycoseris wrightii", after I saw buds on them in smoke tree wash.
25 February 2008 updated flora of palm wash / calcite mine area and botanical report to add andy sander's review of the Petalonyx linearis candidate probably being p. thurberi.
24 February 2008 added flora of palm wash / calcite mine area from 2/21/08 fieldwork, and added botanical report from that day. Added statement to "reports by area" that it has not been updated since 2005. Added botanical report from 2/16/08 fieldwork, link to botanical reports from red butte area flora, and added list of 12 taxa new to our lists found there.
20 February 2008 updated flora of red butte wash / hayfield area with results from 2/16/08 fieldwork.
15 February 2008 updated flora of red butte wash / hayfield area to link to wayne's pix; added botanical report from 2/11/08 trip.
14 February 2008 added flora of red butte wash / hayfield area.
10 February 2008 changed "3000 feet elevation contour" to "3000 foot elevation contour" in bpc plots.
9 February 2008 added first draft of flora of Borrego Palm Canyon; also linked it from bpc trail guide. Transferred page of duffie clemons' Anza-Borrego Desert State Park flora again, since it was incomplete online for some reason.
8 February 2008 added botanical report from 2/6/08.
4 February 2008 added botanical report from 2/2/08; flora of henderson canyon from 2/2/08 fieldwork and vouchers; and added new map of opuntia ganderi and echinocarpa locations in northern Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.
3 February 2008 added source for rainfall maps in cholla location page, and discussed their uncertainty.
31 January 2008 added comment about green along s22 due to non-native weeds; split out 2005-2006 from current update log; added plant trail guide to villager peak trail from 1/29/08 fieldwork and linked it from botanical report.
30 January 2008 added "Species never abundant anywhere" to facts, and began with asclepias albicans; added botanical report from 1/29/08 trip; added presence of cryptobiotic crust to northeast San Diego County botanical report.
27 January 2008 updated page on o. ganderi in extreme ne San Diego County, and page on o. acanthocarpa coloradensis, to make them clearer, aided by comments from bill sullivan.
26 January 2008 added page on o. ganderi in extreme ne San Diego County.
24 January 2008 thanks to jane strong, fixed html error in 2008 sd reports page, which had extra blank and the unnecessary close tag on the img tag.
23 January 2008 added botanical report from 1/21/08 fieldtrip; added webpage on opuntia acanthocarpa coloradensis, with pix from my trip earlier in the year from the cargo muchacho mountains.
22 January 2008 added flora of extreme ne corner of San Diego County, from 1/21/08 fieldwork and gander vouchers supplied by jon rebman.
19 January 2008 added map of survey route for little surprise canyon; added baby annual pix from 1/16/08
18 January 2008 added botanical report for 1/16/08 fieldwork, and the resulting flora of little surprise canyon.
15 January 2008 corrected error in one id for borrego palm canyon guide; "chrysothamnus paniculatus" was actually ericameria brachylepis, thanks to jon rebman reviewing my voucher.
12 January 2008 added botanical report from 1/12/08.
11 January 2008 added botanical report from 1/10/08.
9 January 2008 added botanical report from 1/7/08; updated map of cholla locations from the 1/7/08 survey; added baby pix of some Anza-Borrego Desert State Park annuals.
6 January 2008 added botanical report from 1/3/08; added list of plants in blooms from that trip; and updated checklist for first crossing to lower willows.
5 January 2008 minor rephrasing of 12/27/07 botanical report.
2 January 2008 added Rich Schilk's name to 12/30/07 botanical report and desert gardens et al checklist after he granted permission to put his name online.
1 January 2008 added botanical report from 12/27/07 and 12/30/07 trips; added checklist for desert gardens and first crossing.
29 December 2007 updated alcoholic pass plant trail guide from 12/27/07 fieldwork; added initial flora of southeast Santa Rosa Mountains; added name for collector rh, thanks to input from jon rebman.
27 December 2007 corrected initial flora for the coyote mountain area, and alcoholic pass plant trail guide, correcting "cottontop cactus" to hedgehog cactus.
26 December 2007 added initial flora for the coyote mountain area.
24 December 2007 added botanical report from 12/22/07 trip, and new plant trail guide to alcoholic pass trail.
20 December 2007 updated db page to add sd county plant atlas and sdnhm db.
19 December 2007 updated db page to give new url for consortium, thanks to input from dick more; added rsa search page; added simpson's cryptantha page.
18 December 2007 updated pilostyles analysis page to includes results and analysis from 11 and 15 December 2007 fieldwork; I also appended the email with preliminary conclusions from the 11 January 2006 fieldwork.
17 December 2007 added botanical report from 12/15/07; added initial flora for the borrego badlands; updated main plants page to add "southern California's most unusual wildflower" to the title of the pilostyles link.
12 December 2007 updated botanical report from yesterday's hike with details on the geology.
11 December 2007 added botanical report from today's hike.
10 December 2007 updated directions to trailhead for s. SMR trail.
7 December 2007 updated "pinus edulis"?? page with brief analysis of lanner's claim.
6 December 2007 updated "pinus edulis"?? page to add lanner's claim, and reference to earle's page on this same tree.
5 December 2007 updated "pinus edulis"?? page to give correct determination as p. monophylla X p. quadrifolia, from analysis of specimens gathered on 12/3/07.
30 November 2007 updated b. santarosae pages to include possibility of it occurring on santiago peak volcanics, and thus possibly outlasting the Santa Rosa Basalt.
26 November 2007 added section on basalt endemism at clay hill in B. santarosae page.
22 November 2007 added draft flora of margarita peak.
16 November 2007 linked b. santarosae's key to brodiaeas of southern California to wayne's pix page.
12 November 2007 linked press release on b. santarosae.
2 November 2007 added link to pdf copy of madrono paper on B. santarosae.
25 October 2007 added link to swinney's glendora south hills flora; added link to pix of sterile hybrid of B. santarosae and B. terrestris ssp. kernensis, in pix for B. santarosae page.
21 October 2007 added pix of two-needle pine at SnJt.
19 October 2007 added distribution maps of ponderosa and jeffrey pine in a larger area at San Jacinto Mountain.
16 October 2007 finished putting online the brodiaea santarosae pages.
15 October 2007 added first brodiaea santarosae pages online, now that the madrono article has come out. Much more will be added in the next few days.
14 October 2007 added sugar pine to hall's online flora.
13 October 2007 added page on difference between dry and wet jeffrey and ponderosa pine cones.
12 October 2007 added pix of prickles for jeffrey and ponderosa pines; added remarks on hospital separate these species are; restored alphabetical order to species on main plant page; added note to plant trail report from 7/26/06 about the uselesness of the "prickly ponderosa, gentle jeffrey" mnemonic.
11 October 2007 updated devils slide trail to correct id of pinus ponderosa, previously misdetermined as p. jeffreyi, and to add first p. jeffreyi on trail; added page on discriminating the two species, with gps locations on the devils slide trail and pix; removed non-linked placeholders for future analysis pages on main plants page
8 October 2007 added off-trail Pinus canariensis to Brown Mountain Fire Road Plant Guide, thanks to Michael Charters.
7 October 2007 added initial plant trail guide to ernie maxwell trail from 10/4/07 fieldwork, adding the family for the first time; added family abbreviations, and # db entries for each family, reorganized main plants page, and added explanation of family column to trail guide explanation.
5 October 2007 added more info about Euonymus occidentalis var. parishii in online hall flora.
4 October 2007 added Euonymus occidentalis var. parishii to online hall flora.
23 September 2007 changed link to bright angel trail to the new guide beginning at the trailhead
29 August 2007 added initial plant trail guide to round valley loop trail from 8/16/07 fieldwork.
24 August 2007 added initial plant trail guide to tamarack valley trail from 8/21/07 fieldwork.
20 August 2007 added initial plant trail guide to long valley desert view trail.
19 August 2007 expanded plant trail guide to tram sidewalk to include characteristics of the 11 species, with links to pix, and expanded intro with a typo corrected, thanks to input from paula knoll, dave stith, and dick newell; added initial plant trail guide to long valley nature trail.
18 August 2007 added acer glabrum to online hall flora; added plant trail guide to tram sidewalk.
15 August 2007 added trip report from 8/12/07; put in Table of Contents for regional floras master list; added cercocarpus to hall's online flora; updated wellman divide to san jacinto peak trail guide, and round valley trail guide, from 8/12/07 fieldwork.
14 August 2007 added definition of southern California floristically, linked from intro to site.
13 August 2007 added calochortus to hall's online flora, added a note that hall's paper is now offline, and made format for hall's names uniform.
11 August 2007 completed webpage for round valley trail, and added print versions. Added first mini-legend for columns; added first plant trail guide to trail from wellman divide to SnJt peak (partial).
10 August 2007 added botanical trip report from 8/7/07 hike, and first plant trail guide to round valley trail.
8 August 2007 added ribes species, rumex salicifolius, and link to carex in SnJt hall flora.
5 August 2007 added coulter pine cone mass, speed when falling, and equivalent impact if one hit you in the head, to facts.
4 August 2007 updated plots of # species in bloom at Devils Slide Trail at SnJt, from 3 more days of fieldwork.
30 July 2007 added first plant trail guide to james reserve nature trail at SnJt, from 7/28/07 fieldwork.
25 July 2007 added first plant trail guide to 7 pines / marion mtn trail loop at SnJt, from 7/20/07 fieldwork.
22 July 2007 added link to hall's 1902 flora, now available from google books.
21 July 2007 added senecio triangularis, pinus flexilis and Dodecatheon redolens to the online hall flora of SnJt.
9 July 2007 updated bloom status on devils slide trail, from 6/29 and 7/8/07 observations.
7 July 2007 clarification added about the presence of gnaphalium canescens thermale on the west side of SnJt, in caramba trip report, thanks to dave stith.
6 July 2007 added epilobium glabberimum to caramba east trail, thanks to input from jim adams; corrected link to caramba trail guide from trip report.
4 July 2007 added initial plant trail guide to Caramba east trail, and linked it from the trip report.
1 July 2007 added botanical report from 29 June 2007 trip to Caramba Overlook, and entered names of trips in last month or so; added salvia pachyphylla to the online hall flora.
24 June 2007 added chaenactis parishii, kelloggia and galium oregonense to hall's SnJt flora extract; updated south ridge trail, SnJt, up version only, from 5/11/07 fieldwork, and added dave stith as a coauthor.
22 June 2007 added gilia splendens and g. ochroleuca exilis to hall's SnJt flora extract.
18 June 2007 added plot of # of species in full bloom vs time for the devils slide trail.
17 June 2007 added plot of # of species in bloom vs time, and finished blooming, for devils slide trail, and linked it from blooms; updated blooms to add srp bloom time plots.
14 June 2007 updated volcan plant trail guide from input by an anonymous person, kate shapiro, and my follow-up work.
31 May 2007 added reason behind volcan preservation, and note on hubbell gateway, to volcan mtn trail guide, thanks to kate shapiro.
29 May 2007 added introduction, map, and print versions for volcan mountain plant trail guide.
28 May 2007 updated plant trail guide for volcan mountain, San Diego County, from fieldwork on 5/25/07.
27 May 2007 added analysis page on symphoricarpos albus.
24 May 2007 added plant trail guide for volcan mountain, San Diego County, from fieldwork on 5/16/07 and 5/20/07.
14 May 2007 added lara hartley's wildflower image page to plant pix and db; updated # of species at paula knoll's site.
12 April 2007 made draft plant trail guide for iron mountain nearly complete except for the bulk of the mileages.
9 April 2007 added incomplete draft plant trail guide for iron mountain.
5 April 2007 updated # of taxa in blume's SnJt list.
2 April 2007 added plant trail guide to fobes trail, SnJt, from 3/18/07 fieldwork.
30 March 2007 updated cactus spring trail from 3/18/07 fieldwork.
22 March 2007 updated cholla location and elevation plots from 3/18 and 3/20/07 fieldwork.
17 March 2007 updated plant guide to devils slide trail, SnJt, from 8/21/06 through 3/14/07 fieldwork.
16 March 2007 added page on geographic locations for arctostaphylos pringlei and pungens in SnJt area.
12 March 2007 added info about park list, including key to symbol, to torrey pines flora page, thanks to input from an anonymous reader; updated SnJt south ridge trail from 3/10/07 fieldwork.
11 March 2007 added link to san jacinto mtn voucher checklist by blume.
9 March 2007 corrected "ephedra aspera" on borrego palm canyon trail to e. nevadensis, after determining identical plants in the SnRsMtns as e. nevadensis.
7 March 2007 added flora links to blume's list for volcan mtn and laguna mtns.
4 March 2007 added flora links to blume's list for anza borrego state park and rancho cuyamaca state park; changed daley ranch link back from dillane's no-longer-active url to wayne's link; updated cholla key to incorporate my recent knowledge.
3 March 2007 more updates to page on locations of four cholla species; added dawson to references; added corrections to page on "Analysis of How Well Non-Blooming Specimens Are Distinguished" to correct determination of specimen #5.
2 March 2007 updated locations of four cholla species, added elevation plots, and split locations into a separate webpage.
28 February 2007 added webpages on "intergradation" of o. parryi and o. ganderi, and results of fieldwork on the boundary between these species along s2; some updates to "locations and pictorial identification guide" to make it more correct from my latest work.
27 February 2007 a few updates to opuntia ganderi et al webpage.
26 February 2007 updated intro to opuntia ganderi et al webpage.
25 February 2007 updated opuntia ganderi et al webpage to include latest maps and latest results.
23 February 2007 added links to 12 floras compiled by erik blume at his website.
22 February 2007 thanked bonnie adkins by name in the SnRsMtns visitor center trail guide, and added thanks to andy sanders for confirming my determination of ambrosia d.
19 February 2007 updated plant trail guide for SnRsMtns visitor center trail from 2/17/07 fieldwork; updated guide to art smith trails to correct petalonyx id.
18 February 2007 updated map for SnRsMtns visitor center trail
16 February 2007 added plant trail guide to SnRsMtns visitor center trail.
5 February 2007 updated borrego palm canyon trail guide from 2/2/07 fieldwork, and kate shapiro's find of crossosoma.
1 February 2007 updated erik's flora of garner valley with lists of changed and rejected voucher names, plus statistics on the list.
27 January 2007 added analysis of data collected on o. ganderi, echinocarpa, wolfii and parryi which verified the species determinations made in the field; added one ref to refs page.
26 January 2007 added page on o. ganderi, echinocarpa, wolfii and parryi, giving locations in San Diego County and how to distinguish them; updated cholla page with improved key for o. parryi, and links to new page and wayne's new pix; added a few references to refs page.
25 January 2007 updated o. fosbergii / bigelovii page with more pix of the bands, along with info from the geologic maps.
20 January 2007 added new section giving results from analysis of voucher specimens of poa infirma and p. annua to that page.
18 January 2007 added section on the species of poa infirma and p. annua to that page, stimulated by comments from scott white.
16 January 2007 added page on poa infirma and p. annua; added few items to willow page, thanks to suggestions by dick newell and an anonymous reader.
14 January 2007 jane and I added key to willows of coastal southern California with pix; updated willow primer for San Gabriel Mountains.
12 January 2007 updated moonlight canyon trail from 1/8/07 fieldwork; added pix of mature specimens of o. bigelovii and o. fosbergii to their page.
9 January 2007 added pix page on opuntia bigelovii and o. fosbergii, linked from main cholla page pix section and main plant page.
7 January 2007 put erik's updated garner valley checklist online.
6 January 2007 updated cholla page to link to wayne's pix of o. ramosissima, o. fosbergii, and o. acanthocarpa.
5 January 2007 created 100th plant trail guide, to moonlight canyon trail, agua caliente county park, from 1/3/07 fieldwork.
2 January 2007 updated print version of laguna flora for revised life forms.
1 January 2007 made new plant trail guide to reroute section of art smith trail from 12/30/06 fieldwork; added "a" to laguna lifeform table.
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Copyright © 2001-2014 by Tom Chester and Jane Strong.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester | Jane Strong
Last Update: see top entry above.