National Forest Parking Fees
Photos and Movies
Maps and Topographic Information
Emergency Numbers for Search and Rescue Teams
Overview The following links are listed in order of information content related to the San Gabriel Mountains (SGM) and Angeles National Forest (ANF). The major sites, with more than just a few paragraphs of such information, are:
- SGM: The Numbers, including Administration, Animals, Climate, Geography, Trees, Usage and Water Resources.
- The official USDA - Forest Service - ANF office Angeles National Forest site, created by Susie Wood. Among other things, the site contains recreation information, a forest map, visitors centers, wilderness areas, forest management information, and news items.
- Forest Planning (2001-2002 Forest Plan Update)
- SGM Current and Historical News
- Books about the San Gabriel Mountains
- Shey's San Gabriel Mountains, Features In And Around The Antelope Valley, and Palmdale Area
- Anthony Sebestyen's Hiking in Mt. Baldy
- Christopher Nyerges' articles site
- Angeles Volunteer Association. Contains information on volunteer activities and press releases about the ANF, such as management plans, listings for endangered species, and fire information.
- Digital Desert's Photo Tour of Angeles National Forest
- the backpacker.com
- Robin Weare's Angeles National Forest site
- Russell Bell's Hikes
- Russell Bell's Getting to San Gabriel Trailheads by Bus
- High Temperatures in the San Gabriel Mountains
- Sunrise, Local Noon, Sunset Times and Times of Maximum UV Exposure
- Angeles National Forest site by Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP)
These sites contain only a few paragraphs of SGM information:
- Recreation.gov's ANF site.
- The National Forest Service's Angeles National Forest site (which doesn't yet link the regional site) of the USDA Forest Service
- Organizational Directory of the Forest Service - Region 5 (includes ANF directory)
- Dave Anderberg's ANF Forest Service Offices and Districts (the new districts as of 1998)
- L.A. Black Tourist Guide's Eaton Canyon and Angeles Forest
- L.L. Bean's Angeles National Forest
Parking Fees
See National Forest Parking Fees
- Index Of SGM Photos
- Carel Struycken's Spherical Panoramas (click on San Gabriel Mountains for some incredibly beautiful 360° images)
- Microsoft's Terraserver Image Database: Map Showing Areas of SGM and Southern California covered by images; (see index of these photos)
- The Airborne Visible InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS)'s Altadena and Mt. Wilson Area photo. Location of other L.A. Area AVIRIS Images
- Cameron Campbell's photos
- Andy Lyons' Hikes in the San Gabriel Mountains (photos)
- Ringside's Photos of San Gabriels
- Mark Stopfer's Hiking Page
- G. Donald Bain's "L.A. Smog" picture
- Download L.A. The Movie (14,122 KB mpg file!!), a 3D perspective rendering of a flight around the Los Angeles Area and through the ANF, produced by JPL.
- ANF Official website's ANF Map and ANF Map By District
- Jane Strong's Maps of the San Gabriel Mountains
- Forest Plan Update: October 2001 Maps (pdf files, ranging in size from 0.1 to 1.4 MB, of Fire Regimes, Vegetation Types, Special Interest Areas, Recreation Opportunity Spectrum, Research Natural Areas, Roads, Wild and Scenic Rivers, Scenic Integrity Objectives, and Wilderness)
- List of Secondary Forest Roads in ANF on the ANF printed forest map
- Popular Hikes in the San Gabriel Mountains from Clarke Mini Phone Book, put online by the Caltech Bicycle Club
- Topo Map (500 m contours), with San Gabriel and San Andreas Faults shown, from Pomona College Geology Department
Topographic Info
- All USGS topo maps are now available on the web at TopoZone, and the ones for California at TopoWest.
- Jane Strong's Relief Maps of the San Gabriel Mountains
- Topo Map Coverage of the SGM and date of most current 7.5' map.
- Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Photos (images showing topography of the SGM)
- Order USGS Topo Maps by mail or fax from USGS (Price List: 12/04 prices: $6 per map plus a single handling fee of $5 per order)
- USGS Geographic Names Information System (find official name, feature type, elevation, lat, lon for physical and cultural features of U.S.)
- California places (same as USGS Names Information System for California, but the names can also be browsed)
- Sierra Club Hundred Peaks Section's Peak List
- TopoFinder and Order USGS Topo Maps online from MapQuest ($6.95 per map plus total shipping fee of $4.95 UPS)
- Download free 7.5' digital elevation model USGS topo maps from US GeoData (available now for ANF!) or from Cal State Northridge's Cartographic Resources
- USGS Topo Map Symbols
- Coordinate Translation (translate coordinates (WGS-84, NAD-83, and NAD-27) to and from Latitude/Longitude and UTM. Also, if the location is within the conterminous 48 states, you'll get the converted coordinates for the other map datums)
- Find mountain and peak name as seen from any location (put in your position, and it will make a horizon plot of all peaks from the USGS database)
- Hundred Peaks Section-Sierra Club contains the Topo! USGS maps of the hikes to nearly all the peaks of the ANF. Unfortunately, this is now restricted to HPS members.
- Topo! Map of Area South of Mt. Baldy from Snow Crest Lodge
- Partial USGS 7.5 minute series topographic map of Mt. Baldy link on Mark Duttweiler's Backcountry Skiing in Baldy Bowl
- Partial USGS 7.5 minute series topographic map of Islip Saddle to Mt. Islip and Highway 39 area map links on Mark Duttweiler's Mountains to Sea (Ski, Bike, and Surf Adventure)
Go to Field Guide to the San Gabriel Mountains
Copyright © 1996-2005 by Tom Chester and Jane Strong.
Permission is freely granted to reproduce any or all of this page as long as credit is given to us at this source:
Comments and feedback: Tom Chester | Jane Strong
Updated 3 December 2005